7 Ways In Which You Want To Improve Your Life This Year

Hands Holding Improve Word ConceptHow do you want your life to change this year? Are you satisfied with where you are today? With all you’ve achieved? Or, do you want more – or perhaps, more in some areas that you’ve been neglecting to pursue others? Or maybe you want to be able to balance your life a bit more and put more attention on some and less than others.

Your job today is to jot down 7 ways in which you want to improve your life in 2016. Maybe you’ve written some of these before but this time it will probably be in category form. It might be specifics if you haven’t listed them before but we want to start trying to program our GPS so that we at least know our destination for this time next year. You know where you are right now as a result of the inventory you did last week (that’s the starting point for your GPS) and now you’re getting your destination points in your GPS so the Universe can calculate how to get you there.

Keep on your road of New Beginnings.


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