This is from Napoleon Hill’s Golden Rule but it is so pertinent to us. Pay attention here….
The human mind is an intricate affair. One of its characteristics is the fact that all impressions that reach the subconscious portion of the mind are recorded in groups which harmonize and which are apparently closely related.
When one of these impressions is called into the conscious mind, there is a tendency to recall all of the others with it.
One single act or word that causes a feeling of doubt to arise in a person’s mind is sufficient to call into his conscious mind all of the experiences which caused him or her to be doubtful. Through the law of association, all similar emotions, experiences or sense impressions which reach the mind are recorded together so that the recalling of one has a tendency to bring out the others.
Just as a small pebble will, when thrown in to the water, start a chain of ripples that will multiply rapidly, the subconscious mind has a tendency to bring into consciousness all of the associated or closely related emotions or sense impressions which it has stored when one of them is aroused. To arouse a feeling of doubt in a person’s mind has a tendency to bring to the surface every doubt-building experience that person ever had.
That is why successful salespeople endeavor to keep away from subjects that may arouse the buyer’s “chain of doubt impressions.” The able salesperson has long since learned that to “knock” a competitor may result in bringing to the buyer’s conscious mind certain negative emotions which may make it impossible for the salesperson to neutralize.
The principle applies to and controls every emotion and every sense impression that is lodged in the human mind. Take the feeling of fear, for example. The moment we permit one single emotion that is related to fear to reach the conscious mind, it brings with it all of its unsavory relations. A feeling of courage cannot claim the attention of our conscious mind while a feeling of fear is there. One must supplant the other. They cannot become roommates because they do not harmonize.
Since every thought held in the conscious mind has a tendency to draw to it every other harmonious or related thought, the feelings, thoughts and emotions which claim the attention of the conscious mind are backed by a regular army of supporting soldiers who stand ready to aid them in their work.
If you place in your mind, through the principle of suggestion, the ambition to succeed in any undertaking, you will see that your latent ability is aroused and your powers automatically increased. Positive thoughts attract other positive thoughts and give you the confidence to overcome failure and achieve success. If you neutralize your negative thoughts, replace them with their positive equivalent and reinforce them through the power of suggestion, you can reach any goal you set for yourself.
No one ever becomes a “doer” without first becoming a “dreamer.” The architect first draws the picture of a building in his mind and then places it on paper. And so we must all see the object of our labors in our minds before we can see them in reality.
Source: Excerpt from the February 1919 issue of Napoleon Hill’s Golden Rule.
How does this apply to your everyday life. I know it hit home for me.
What do you think? I bet most of you can apply it in a negative way but can you call forth a way this has affected you positively?
Take positive action: Write them down. Then start dreaming yourself!
So true, I see it all the time with my teenage students. I'm very mindful of the language I use around them (anything can spook them 🙂 The power of suggestion is one of the greatest tools we possess. I'm going to be very aware of my own associations for the rest of this week and journal my experience. Thank you Terrie ~ I'm always learning, always growing with you. much love Hxxx
Thanks for pointing out how this really does apply in everyday life and how you see it in your practice. I'm sure that others will also appreciate seeing that it is so important to watch what we say AND think.
You are a blessing in my life for sure, Heather.