Momentum Monday


dont find fault

Use this short quote to guide your week this week. Whenever you start to complain or think that something wouldn’t have happened had Joe Blow done this or not done that or if this circumstance hadn’t happened, etc, immediately think of this quote. Switch your thinking around. Either stop the chain of thinking totally and recognize that “things happen” and no one is necessarily at fault or you can use the “I declare it good” affirmation and even add to it “I declare it good and see the remedy” right now!


Momentum Monday

momentum-monday1“Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.”  ~ Maya Angelou

This is a great quote to begin the Christmas season (this is the beginning of Advent after all).

We are all so wrapped up in what’s going on around ourselves that we really ought to take time and step back to see what’s going on in other people’s lives. You might be surprised. You might also be able to make a significant difference in their lives.

People frequently don’t want others to know that they are going through difficulty or that hard times have befallen them. But, if you pay attention and if you know the person at all, you will be able to tell. It’s obvious in their demeanor and behavior. They don’t smile as often. They don’t stand as straight and tall as usual.  If it’s  coworker, maybe there’s a change in their reliability or promptness.

Take a good look around you. Being nice to someone is really very easy. And you don’t need to worry that maybe you’ve read them wrong – being nice is not predicated upon someone being bad off. It’s good to be nice to people no matter what!

The whole idea is to open your eyes and search your peripheral vision. Take off the blinders and look all around you as the Holidays approach. Give someone a dollar if they’re asking for it. Reach out. Pick a charity you want to support this holiday so that others may do some good. What can you give up (a cup of coffee or two perhaps) so that someone could have a meal. Don’t laugh. Often it doesn’t take much more to feed someone. Every penny, every dollar makes a difference.

When I was in New York in October (and then again in DC later that month) I became really interested in the homeless population. I could never fathom sleeping on the streets in the cold and wet, not knowing where my next meal was coming from, not knowing where to attend to private issues. It’s something we should NEVER allow to happen in our country. We give so much money and aid to other countries while we have desperate people lying right outside our city buildings in great need. Why does this happen? Why can’t we be a rainbow in their clouds.  I feel very drawn to this cause but am not sure how to make a significant difference. But, I digress sort of. Sorry.

Take this time to change your sight. Expand it and open up your life and the life of many others.


Rewrite Your Story

figure_turning_a_custom_page_15415 I think this will be a series of posts. It’s hard to cover all of rewriting your story in just one. But, as always, we’ll see!

Most importantly, though, you need to assess your life as it is right now. How are you feeling? Do you feel complete? Do you feel as if something’s missing in your life? Are there other things you’d really like to be doing? Why do you think you’re not doing them or why haven’t they come into your life?

Most likely the answer lies deep within – in your inner belief system. And it’s usually your limiting beliefs that get you and hold you back. These limiting beliefs have led to habits and repetitive talk (internal and external) that gives the universe various messages about what you really want. Thus, you are attracting those mixed messages and not attracting what you really want. Usually that’s because of some “I don’t deserve better” belief that’s been ingrained in your inner being for so many years.

I’m not advocating “therapy” or rehashing all that’s happened in your past because we already know that if we do that, we’re likely to attract more. But, it’s important to think about why we do or think certain things.

One way I’ve found that helps is to create your affirmation for whatever you want and then say it. If your mind comes up with a ‘but’ then fill in what comes after that and that will be your limiting belief. For example “I am a millionaire” followed by “but that could never happen to me. Plus, what if it did? Would I have to work harder? I don’t want to work harder?” See how several limiting beliefs are buried in the ‘but’?

  1. It could never happen to me (aka “I’m not worthy”)
  2. followed by a belief that if you make a lot of money you have to work hard.
  3. there’s also the possibility that you’re thinking that to succeed in anything, you have to work hard and you don’t want to.

You could go further if you took the time to fill in everything in the “but” statement but this was just an example.

It doesn’t matter what the cause is for the limiting beliefs – that’s where therapy gets everything hung up.  All we want to know is what’s standing in the way of you achieving the life you want – i.e. your limiting beliefs.

This process could get a bit discouraging as you uncover all your “buts” but (ha ha) just look at it as a list.

More importantly, you want to start writing a real story about how you really want your life to be and what you want to happen.  I recommend doing this in story format – as if you’re writing a script for a play or movie. That allows you to get colorful and specific. The more color and excitement you generate the better you feel and the more your vibrations and momentum get going in the right direction.

I would also suggest you keep writing but if you feel a “tug” when you get to some particular part, then don’t stop but put a star by that section so you can go back later and examine it for limiting beliefs.

Try writing your story for the next six months (or even for a month if you’re very skeptical) first. Read the story over several times and edit it as you go along. When you’re happy with it, read it once a week and make any necessary changes. Then write the next story – you might want to expand it to a year.

Let me know how it’s going.



Momentum Monday

momentum-monday1“Fear only exists when you do not understand that you have the power to project thought and that the Universe will respond.” ~Abraham [Excerpted from the workshop: Boca Raton, FL on January 11, 1997]

You can use this as a reminder any time things aren’t going the way you’d like them to or whenever you’re afraid of your current circumstances. I love this! It means you really do have control of much more in your life than you realize. If you can conquer fear by just changing your thoughts, then think about the power you have! Think about what dramatic changes you can make in your life.

The key here is to make certain that you can remember this thought any time you start to feel the fear – fear of anything.

Then you have to make sure you’re projecting the correct thoughts to the Universe. This means that you want to phrase your thoughts correctly. If you say “I am no longer in debt”, you are still focused on debt. Instead you want to say “I am prosperous, I have paid off everything I owe AND with an abundance of money remaining” and say it with feeling.

This may seem difficult to do when you’re experiencing fear but that’s why remembering that you can control this feeling and bring the Universe back to your side needs to be done as soon as possible. The longer you experience a feeling (whether it’s fear or joy), the more vibration it generates, the more momentum it gathers and the harder it is to turn around.  I start reversing activity as soon as I start thinking that nudging thought that leads to fear. If you watch TV (I don’t because I don’t want to be constantly fighting the negativity and its effects on my subconscious mind), and you see an article about crime in your area, you may start to worry about whether you locked your doors and windows and whether that’s sufficient security, etc. As soon as any of those thoughts start to roam around in your brain, change your thoughts and partner with the Universe – “I live in a wonderfully safe location and house and am protected by the Universe”. Say this and other positive thoughts you have over and over again until you no longer feel the fear in your gut.

Repetition is key to this. You repeat the positive thoughts as many times as necessary to lessen your anxiety. Use this phrase too and edit it to fill in the appropriate parts for yourself and your situation – “Nothing and nobody can interfere with my health, well-being, peace of mind and prosperity, not even myself!” Make sure that you include that last part because most often it is ourselves that keep us from achieving what we set out to.

Try these techniques next time you are starting to feel fear.


Momentum Monday





you manifest what you believe not what you want



“You manifest what you believe, not what you want” ~ Sonia Ricotti

Read this simple quote several times and let the meaning sink in.

This is often why people say that ‘positive thinking’ doesn’t work.  And it’s also why affirmations by themselves may not be as effective as we’d like.  It’s another reason why much of the time even if you do everything you’re supposed to, it still doesn’t seem that you can manifest what you want – and then we get impatient and simply “quit”, saying “see I told you it doesn’t work”.

The hardest (but most rewarding) work you can do along these lines is to really examine your beliefs. Usually you can figure out the limiting beliefs by identifying the “buts”….for example if you say “I am becoming a millionaire” – listen quietly to your inner voice and hear the “but” that follows that statement. It goes something like this:

Your voice: “I am becoming a millionaire”

You mind: “but there is no way that can happen given my current income and my age. I’ll be dead before I could possibly make that kind of money. Besides I have a day job and don’t have time to work hard enough to make that much money and even what if I decided I wanted to try for it, I would have no more freedom and I’d have such increased responsibilities that I wouldn’t know how to juggle them with my family and my day job…..”

Do you see how many limiting beliefs are uncovered in the short time it took me to jot it down. And I didn’t even give it any thought. These are just things that I have heard come out of people’s mouths when I ask them about their beliefs and desires. You can also see that becoming a millionaire, in addition to being a trigger, is probably not something that person really wants deep inside. This person doesn’t want to work any extra or have anything add responsibilities to their already full day, or that might interfere with their relationships (family, job, etc).  They aren’t even willing to entertain that there are many ways to become a millionaire and that this process does NOT necessarily require extra work or taking you away from your family. But these are good reasons (aka excuses) as to why they won’t even make the effort. This person will say the affirmation but without looking at the “but”, they won’t understand why it won’t come true.

Examine your ‘buts’ and write them down. Keep going too. I could have just stopped with the “given my income and age” but there was more in this person’s belief as to why they couldn’t become a millionaire so we had to let it just flow. Do that with yourself. You will discover many of your beliefs. Once they have been uncovered, you can work on changing the ones you want to and then your desires can be in concert with your new beliefs.

Remember, though, that beliefs may have multiple layers.  So, don’t just stop with one “but” session. Do this repeatedly especially after you’ve identified one or more limiting beliefs in response to a sentence. Then go back and do it again and you’ll most likely realize there are more. It’s that wonderful “onion peeling process” at work. Use it to its full advantage. This part isn’t hard. It may be a bit painful when you see what’s been holding you back (maybe you still think the earth is flat – not really but sometimes your old beliefs are old and new facts have refuted them by now but that message has not made it deep within your subconscious mind). But it definitely will be worth it!
