When You Wish Upon A Star

when you wish upon a star Given how things have gone for me in the past few months, I probably should also caveat this with “Be careful what you wish for”.  When the Law of Attraction works extremely well in you life (as it does in mine), you often get what you want very quickly – often you haven’t taken enough time to be specific about what you want.

Whatever you ask for, you will manifest. Most of us, however, have passing thoughts like “oh, I’d like that”, or “that would be nice in my living room” – you know, the window shopping syndrome. The Universe will actually manifest each thing you ask for, each and every time. So why aren’t our houses and lives filled like a version of “Hoarding”? Because there is a difference between manifesting and materializing. The Universe manifests everything we ask for but in order for that to materialize in our life we have to allow it in and be ready to receive it. When it’s a passing thought, there isn’t enough focus or desire for it to materialize in your life. You know how we say “act as if” and “focus on having what you want”. Think of it as you putting a homing beacon out for the UPS truck to make it to your door. If you’re on and off about something, then it’s as if the truck is zig zagging around your city or neighborhood instead of making it straight to your house.

This is a good thing for us because often we’ll make quick remarks as a result of some emotional event/situation. And when we say something like “I wish you were gone”, you don’t really mean it but you’ve shouted it out to the Universe! Fortunately this is a temporary feeling/thought and it’s not something you really want to happen.

Once you identify something you really want, don’t leave it at that. Go back and be specific. Define what it is you really want – what color is it, how big or small do you want it, what other parameters are you desiring. This is easy (if you remember to do it) for physical items, but it’s as critical, if not more, with the non-physical items – often because we can’t envision all of the aspects involved. Let me give you my personal example which will make you chuckle. I was feeling “left out” at work with the new “regime” (I really need to learn to like change..ha ha) and wished I was more involved with the new president. Now for the funny part and I am not complaining because I did get what I wanted and I know that I can refine it to be more manageable. I am now constantly occupied with the new president and helping out and talking, reviewing, etc. In addition, I was wanting more people to ask me questions. Now, my office is like a revolving door.  I really am enjoying it because I love to teach and guide BUT (there’s always a ‘but’ if you don’t get specific enough) I can’t get any of the other work done that I have to. You see, all I did was make the two statements – I wanted to be more involved with the president and I wanted more people to ask me questions. I never went any further. There were many ways I could have arranged for everything to happen had I just taken the time to be specific.  I could have said I want the president to consult with me for a finite period of time (I would need to say what that finite period was) or in segments, etc. I could have specified that people ask me questions in the afternoon between 1 and 3 but that it’s just what they do, not that I put out the word that they can only do it then. Why not make it so that the Universe guides them to only have questions during that time rather than me mandating it.

There are many aspects to consider. Make yourself a list of characteristics or parameters you should address when being specific about something. If you’ve made that list ahead of time, then when you’re ready to ask for something, you’ve got the checklist right in front of you. Just remember to be specific.

Here’s some examples:

For a physical wish:

  • What is it you want
  • What color do you want
  • What size/shape/model do you want (31 x 32 x 24 inches for example, or midsize, compact etc)
  • Where do you want it to fit?
  • What kind of maintenance do you want it to require or to pay for?
  • Just think of the characteristics you want and list them all.
  • For a non-physical wish:
  • What is it you want
  • Is it work related, home life, relationships, all of the above – be specific about which part of your life you want it to occur in
  • When (which part of your day, week, month etc) do you want it to occur
  • How should people approach you
  • How often should it happen (occur)
  • How long should an encounter last (if pertinent)
  • Who do you want to interact with

Remember that when dealing with people you can also augment your list and make your wish come true faster by using the Book of Positive Aspects and the Rampage of Appreciation.

All these techniques and laws work together. Just remember to be specific or “be careful what you ask for”.

Have  a great week!











Momentum Monday


“I try to be grateful for the abundance of the blessings that I have, for the journey that I’m on and to relish each day as a gift.”

~James McGreevey

I had another post planned for today but then I read this quote and had to use it based on what’s going on in my life right now. 

When you read this,  it’s simple. Applying it every minute of every day requires remembering it and merely looking around you and saying “I am grateful for……”. In our lives it really is pretty easy to fill in the blanks.

Even if you’re hurting or feeling down, there is something to be grateful for, something you have in abundance. It all depends on your definition of abundance I suppose. But most of us experience so much abundance that we then take it for granted. Look around you. Do you have a roof over your head (even if it leaks)? Do you have a refrigerator and is there food/drink in it? Do you have a closet? What’s in it? Do you have heat and/or A/C?

These are things that we take for granted every single day. But when we’re feeling down or not as good as we’d like, then we need to look around and just spotting some of these indicators of abundance and expressing our gratitude to the Universe for them. That will make you feel better if you keep doing it enough. It worked for me.

Try it this week and see what happens.


Change Your Environment, Change Your Vibration

sphere_custom_14887No, this doesn’t mean you have to pack up and move your house and all your belongings! But there are things you can do to alter your environment and remove the toxic effects.

Those things that surround you continue to influence you 24 hours a day. What you are exposed to is absorbed constantly by your subconscious mind. Then your subconscious mind affects your vibrational frequency.  And we all know that it’s your vibrations that determine what you really attract via the Law of Attraction – regardless of what you “say” you want. It’s all about vibration and feeling.

No matter how positive you try to be or how many affirmations you say, if your subconscious mind is constantly bombarded by the opposite – complaints, unhappiness, discontent, disarray, rumors, gossip, etc – your subconscious will rule your being more than your conscious mind.

This is a typical scenario for those who say the Law of Attraction doesn’t work for them. You want happiness and joy but when you examine their your routine, you find out that you hang out around the office water cooler, listen to people complain all day about this and that or talk about what they don’t have that others do (resentment and envy). “Life’s not fair”, “I don’t have any luck”, “I never get anything”, etc etc etc.

Do you watch the news every night? Are you glued to CNN or MSNBC? When was the last time you saw or heard a half hour of positive happenings in the world on the evening or night time news? People want to hear about crime and blood and guts for some reason. The world doesn’t appear to be interested in good things that happen throughout the world even though awesome events occur all the time. So what happens when you’re exposed to all the news about crime and destruction and death and despair? That’s what seeps in to your subconscious mind and when that happens, your subconscious (which is not objective at all and doesn’t know good from bad) “assumes” that that is what you want more of. And guess what? It delivers……it delivers more and more of the bad stuff.

Do you have friends that are down in the dumps ALL the time, complaining about others, talking about poor me or how unfair life has been to them? If so, that is what you will attract more of…more misery and more friends that are living in lack. Do you want to be surrounded by lack and unhappiness? Really? Or is it because your friends like you and you’re happy that you have “friends” that care about you? Ask yourself this, though….do they really care about you? Would they be there for you if something bad happened in your life and they would have to stop wallowing in their problems to help you through yours? Try to answer this honestly. Now I am NOT talking about your friends that have legitimate concerns – serious injuries or illnesses that have had a tremendous impact on their lives. These are truly friends in need and those to whom you must devote as much attention as they need but also privately be seeing them as completely whole (not “healing” but completely whole – you do not want to visualize or see anything to do with healing because that then implies lack – lack of health and therefore illness and that is not what we want). I’m talking about the “friends” who are always having some sort of problem or crisis no matter what the situation. They can’t seem to exist without some sort of drama in their lives and they are trying to bring you into that drama – you do not want to be a part of that because it will lower your vibration and bring you down.

At work are there people who complain about everything, who don’t embrace any idea of change (I am not fond of change so this one is near and dear to my heart)? It’s one thing to not want to change or not be enthusiastic about it but quite another to be actively resisting it by trying to recruit other complainers and even embellishing the “hazards” of such change. Stay away from them and try to evaluate the recommendations on their own merit without the influence of others. And also without the influence of your past experience if you can do that (I’m still learning this one). One thing that will help with this is to use the Book of Positive Aspects for the person(s) who are instituting the change. Find the good things about them, write them down and see what happens.

Remember that the best way to see change in others is to change yourself. Then it doesn’t matter whether they have actually changed or you have – it’s what you experience that matters.

Take these steps to change your environment:

  • Evaluate the areas of your life and what your level of happiness (or prosperity) is in that area – health, peace of mind, happiness, wealth, relationships, etc
  • If you find an area that lacks what you wish, assess your environment and see if there are any influencing factors, both good and not so good:
  • Write them down and determine if you enjoy having them in your life or not
  • Assess what you can do to change the things you don’t like and what you can do to add more of what you do like
  • Start your book of positive aspects and write in it every day
  • Use the rampage of appreciation even when you’re in a situation when you’re not as happy as you’d like to be
  • Practice using Segment Intending to create or pave your entire day and your interactions with people. You could use this to avoid interacting with the folks that aren’t as positive as you’d like…and using Segment Intending this avoidance occurs without you feeling guilty or without it appearing as if you’re intentionally avoiding someone. It just happens. Remember that the Universe will create what you are vibrating/feeling – so if you’re feeling happy and wanting to move along calmly (let’s say) during a meeting, it will bring events and situations that will be calm. If you’re stressed and anxious over something, you will create more havoc because that’s what you’re focusing on.

Try these things to alter your environment and remove whatever it may be that is bringing your vibration down!

Get a coach to help you too. Sometimes you need help getting out of the quagmire. A Coach will help you. Contact me if you want more information on coaching.


change your environment – let go of friends, news, water cooler, worry etc

Check Your Attitude….And Your Momentum

attitudeWhat ARE you thinking about right now? What are you feeling – this is much more important than what you’re thinking. You could be thinking that you have to go shopping today but even though you’re thinking this, you’re feeling depressed and lonely. Is your posture upright or slumped?  Try sitting upright right now and see if that changes how you feel. Take a deep breath and repeat that a few times.  Breathing deeply and having an upright posture will definitely improve how you feel and think.

Your momentum will be based on your attitude/feelings. And remember what I wrote about a few weeks ago – you CAN change your attitude. You can change how you feel. You may have to repeat a favorite affirmation several times or even use EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) which I highly recommend. But find some way to think the way you want to feel. Pull up a Kodak Moment and focus on it.  That should at least make you smile. When you smile, you’ll find that your feelings change.

Write in your Book of Positive Aspects or your Appreciation/Gratitude journal. Look around you and see the beauty around you – I like to go outside and look at my cactus garden and see what new “sprouts” might have popped up.  For some reason I am not a flower person but really cherish my cactus (maybe it’s because there’s less effort involved). Looking at them and seeing how much they have grown makes my day. It’s a little thing and only involves me going outside and looking at these living objects and I’m happy. Even if that happiness is short lived,  it has put me onto a different plane and spun my momentum in a much better direction. If I pull up another Kodak Moment or start a Rampage of Appreciation (which is usually very easy to do because there has to be something around you that you appreciate), then my attitude and momentum go even further in the direction I want. There is no “right” or “wrong” momentum or attitude just as there are not really positive or negative emotions. What we consider to be a “negative” emotion is actually letting you know what you don’t want in life. It’s contrast showing you what you really want. If you’re depressed, you know you don’t want to be depressed, you want to be happier.  Once you recognize this and then remember that you control your thoughts, you can move up the emotional scale to head toward any somewhat happier emotion. You will move onto a different plane of momentum.

I’m not saying that becoming happy and joyful is necessarily easy but it is possible and is most likely easier than you even realize.  That’s why I continue to encourage you to create your Kodak Moments album in your head.

When you’re stuck and think there is no way to change your attitude and have tried everything I have recommended, consider getting a coach. A coach will help you identify ways to pull yourself out of that funk you think you’re in speedy_turtle_400_clr_13232and improve your attitude/momentum. You really can do this but sometimes you need help.  Folks underestimate the power of a coach. If you’ve tried various ways to reach a higher plane and improve your thinking, you may need help. Remember that quote “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results”.  If you continue to get the same results, ask for help. If you want to improve your life and reach for the stars but they have seemed just “out of reach” for you, a coach will give you the boost you need. A Coach will help you climb the stairway to your goal. Look at the sports teams that are stuck in the cellar (bottom of their sport) and all of a sudden a new coach is hired. They frequently will skyrocket to success. The new coach has helped them break out of their habits and enabled them to elevate their attitude and momentum.

Start with a Rampage of Appreciation. Look around you for something you think is “nice”. Then start elaborating on what you appreciate about either that thing or the things around it. Keep that going until you run out of things to appreciate and then move to something else similar to it and start appreciating it. Just keep going for at least 68 seconds if not more.

I want you to be happy. I want the best for you. All these posts are to help you realize you control your own life. I simply want you to take that control and do something with it that makes you happy!

Let me hear from you if you need more advice.



How We Let Things Derail Us (Traffic, Lights, Other Drivers, Long Lines, etc)

derailed1Have you ever noticed that you’re in a great mood and then all of a sudden you plummet and the anger, frustration, or impatience just hits and BAM! you’re down in the dumps or at least on some other track?

This can happen so easily. You can spend a rewarding early morning with your spouse and kids or exercising and then head on to work. Even if you’re not running late when you get stopped at one of those traffic lights, you let it get to you. Then, with even “worse luck” you hit another red light or someone is driving slow in “your” lane….and on and on and on. It seems that one thing leads to another until, by the time you get to work, you’re in a foul mood. “Why me?” goes through your mind “What did I do today for this to be happening to me?”

Has this ever happened to you? It has me..and unless I catch myself, it’s one big spiral downward. But, if I catch myself, then things can be turned around so easily. How do I do that?

Once I recognize that I’m starting to percolate, I start to look inside for “Kodak Moments” and think about them. I find (in my mind and memory) people I love and care about, events that have made me laugh, jokes that people have told me, or I just look around and start doing a Rampage of Appreciation about the things that are around me. I see how smart people were that created the buildings in the area, how the roads have been structured and intersected, all the different cars that surround me, etc. In our wonderful country it’s never hard to find something to appreciate. It’s amazing how much we take for granted when it’s so easy to simply express appreciation to the Universe for us being able to live here and enjoy everything we have.  Doing a Rampage of Appreciation is the best way to receive more from the Universe – more good instead of the bad thoughts and feelings that were beginning to take over.