Make Your Day Great!

make your day greatYou can make your day great, no matter what happens. Start the process early in the day – when you first wake up. Begin with segment intending – go through each part of your day and actually walk through it exactly as you want it to be.  Be specific. Visualize yourself getting up, working out (if that’s in your plan), eating breakfast, driving safely and quickly to work, go through each segment of your day at work smoothly and efficiently, your drive home, whatever activities you will go through at night. This should take only a couple of minutes and will tell the Universe exactly what you want out of the day.

Once you get up, continue to segment intend to reinforce what you first created that morning. But also find specific areas to focus on to keep you going in the right direction.

Remember the good things you have in your life and the good aspects you envisioned for the day. Build up your momentum as you begin each segment. Go into the bathroom and pull out a Kodak moment and focus on that to bring your momentum up to a high level to go into your next segment. Cancel out any negative thought or idea that comes into your head  use the “That is Not My Truth” and “Everything always turns out great for me”.

Even if things start to turn south, bring them back by focusing on your momentum and visualizing your story for the  year. Bring up a successful moment and concentrate on that for a few minutes. Generate the feelings that that accomplishment will infuse into you. Take the time to be quiet for a few seconds and do this. This will turn your day around. When you’ve finished concentrating on that success, do a short segment intending for the upcoming section of our day. Then go out and conquer that moment.

Make every day great. You really CAN do it!


Create Your 2015 Story NOW!

get ready for 2015Now is the time to start getting ready for 2015. You want to enter 2015 with your life and attainment of your desires mapped out in detail and visualized. Even though December is usually a very busy month, why not consider changing your focus from holiday gifting and partying to creating your life and setting yourself up for success in 2015?

This not just about setting goals. Most of us have January come upon us quickly and we hastily throw together some things we think we might want to work toward in the coming year. But unless we prepare properly  we may not be choosing the right kind of goals or might not be getting specific enough, or maybe not even deep enough.

So what’s the best way to go about this? I like to review everything that’s happened to and “in” me during the last year. I cherish my calendar for this. I have gotten into the habit of writing an amazing amount of information in my calendar. It serves as a journal of sorts. I have tried a separate journal but that doesn’t work. Since I have this great calendar program that has room for everything (notes, comments, addresses, journal of its own) that seems to be the best place for me to keep everything in one place.

I go back to the previous January in my calendar and I look at all at the events that I’ve had (even if I didn’t journal in the calendar, just noting the events would be sufficient for this purpose). I am always amazed at all that’s happened. As I’m looking at each thing, I ask myself where I was spiritually and emotionally at that time and then compare it to where I am right now. What has changed? What did I learn and how did it effect me? What changes have happened since then? How is my attitude different if it is? What would I have liked to have happened differently? Is this something I want to recreate but in a more successful manner? Or is it something that I’ve done and am done with?

It’s almost as if I write the story of the past year as I’m doing this. It really is revealing as long as you ask yourself the right questions and take the time to answer honestly – that is probably the really key thing – to answer deeply and honestly.  Take your time with this. It’s very important – it will generate feelings and emotions as you go through the whole year. You’ll use those emotions as a gauge for where you want to go next.

Once you’ve done this, you can “feel” how you want your life to go on. You can determine what you want to happen in the coming year. Once you let your emotions guide you in that direction, you should then take the time to actually script out the results you’re seeking for the year. Write out your attitude changes, your life changes, your nutrition changes (I keep talking about that lately but it’s essential to have the right nutrition to feed your soul as well as your body), your exercise and work changes. What events would you like to have happen and what outcomes would you like. For example, would you like to change jobs or maybe retire? If so, get specific so you create the job or retirement situation you truly want ( you do NOT want a new job where you have to work even harder than you may be doing now; when you retire you want to be comfortable and have at least all the amenities you have now). Think through everything carefully.

Write these things down. Feel them. Get the momentum going. Keep this “story” by your side at all times and keep reading it. But remember that you can rewrite it as you go along. You can add more details to it; you can change details; you can change goals and outcomes or even delete a particular event if you decide that you really don’t want it; you can add things to it depending on what happens.

But the point to writing it out is to embed it in your mind and get the “engine” (Law of Attraction) going. You will be amazed how once you’ve take the time to get specific, list the details and actually script your story, it will come to pass!

Try it. Do a little bit each day or take a day on the weekend. Just do it though! That’s the important thing.

Let me know how things are going.


Should We Fear Ebola?

10678640_10152703358960435_4104647929256730427_nFear is incapacitating and blocks success. You know that but trying to eliminate fear from our being takes some focus and concentration.

As a humanity we seem to have two themes – fear and faith (lack of fear). Sometimes there is an in between but that also is often considered apathy.

I am going to go on a bit of a rant about this right now. Ebola has been waging war with humans for the past several months. However, people in the United States have virtually ignored it (seemingly just hoping it would go away) and didn’t care about the effects it was having upon the rest of the world because it hadn’t affected the United States yet. We tend to have the Ostrich syndrome with our head stuck in the sand (or maybe someplace else – you can tell I’m disturbed by this). It’s amazing how whenever there is any other type of disaster in another country we’re all rushing to help – musicians give free concerts, the Red Cross tells you to text them, every organization out there starts collecting. But in this case, the number of cases and the number of deaths have been rapidly increasing in other countries and we did and said NOTHING…..until, of course, it came into the United States. Initially there was concern when we brought people back for treatment but the media was used to quench any major concerns…..until there was a case of a traveler who flew infected into the country. Now, a greater portion of our country has become concerned (I guess it really is “All about me”) and as the days roll by and there are more people infected, the outrage and fear deepens.

As we’ve talked about repeatedly – all that fear does is attract more of what we are fearing (in this case disease). There is a concept head_stuck_in_sand_400_clr_6605called “Race Consciousness” that explains how things can migrate rapidly from near apathy to massive fear. It seems to spread like wildfire. One day everything is fine and people are going along as usual. But then the next day the fear is all around us -we saw something on the news or on the internet and then, of course, the “power of the story” comes into play.  God forbid we talk about the positive aspects of an event or not talk about it at all. It’s best to not talk about things like an epidemic or anything bad (even the enterovirus that spread across the country pretty rapidly too) especially when we can’t do anything about it. Do NOT feed into the race consciousness because you’ll feel yourself being swept into the waves of fear. And, the sad thing is that you probably won’t even recognize it.

When you find yourself fearing something happening, immediately say “That is not my truth” followed by “Nothing and nobody can interfere with my health and well-being, not even myself”. You can also use “Everything always works out for me”. Stay away from the details either on the news or the internet. Of course you might want to know what’s happening so you can scan your favorite internet site for the latest but then leave it quickly.

Stay away from the “water cooler” syndrome. Don’t engage in conversation about it. You’re probably thinking I’m telling you to stick your head in the sand but I’m not. If you can do something, take action and do it – volunteer, donate money, whatever. But if you’re just talking about the “tragedy”, the “fear” etc, then you are simply attracting more fear and more illness into your life. And when it goes into the Race Consciousness (everything you think is disseminated into the Universe and becomes part of the Race Consciousness) where this massive energy force will bring more of what is feared onto humanity.

So, we do not need to fear ebola…we need to counteract the mass fear that is being spread across all of America (and most likely the world). Use the statements I listed above and continue to say them whenever you feel scared.

You have more power than you realize so use it to everyone’s advantage.

Remember “that which I greatly feared, hath come upon me”.

Don’t let it come upon you.


Remembering 11 September 2001

Remember September 11, New York CityI really didn’t do this on purpose but today being 11 September 2013 (12 years after that fateful day) is a perfect follow-on or continuation to our “what’s your story” series. That day was one of THE most eventful and significant days in American history (and probably in  World history too) at least since Pearl Harbor.  Yet I’m a bit disturbed. I’m writing this about 3 a.m. and looking at the various news services on the internet, IF they cover 9/11 at all, it’s buried and not prominent. This is bad in my opinion. It’s also a sign of the times. Since it happened 12 years ago and there has not been another event of its nature, people forget that it happened and also tend to sweep its significance under the table.  Why do we do that? I don’t know but it appears to be very difficult for people to remember what happened yesterday or last week, let alone 12 years ago.  I don’t really think it’s denial – that they hope that by ignoring it, the threat won’t be there or that it never really happened.  I think it’s just similar to that instant gratification syndrome we have. Unless it stays right in your face, you move on – there’s so much external stimuli now, that that kind of behavior is protective in a way. But please do not forget it. Take that moment of silence (it IS just a moment after all) at 8:46 a.m. Eastern time.

What’s your story surrounding September 11th? How do you remember it? It was a horrible day but it also has many positive spins and those are what we should focus on – it’s not sacrilegious to look for the positive. It’s a great way of remembering and celebrating. You can apply this to any aspect of your life and you could start today.

Where were you at 8:46 Eastern time on that day. I know exactly where I was and I know what happened and the thoughts that went through my mind. After we found out the story, my mind has created a montage of scenes, TV views, iStock_000004087071XSmallfeelings, thoughts, fears, etc surrounding that day. I think that Alan Jackson’s song “Where Were You When The World Stopped Turning” captures the lives of almost everyone in every possible scenario. But I didn’t let fear encompass me and paralyze me. It was tempting and perhaps the fear took over a bit that first night but after that, while stuck in Chicago trying to find a way to get out, I tried to focus on the good stories that were coming out of the event. I developed a closeness to people I never expected to. I began to cherish more aspects of my life than I had before.

I will tell you that the most significant and emotional part of the entire time was my running in the New York City Marathon 6 weeks after the attack. And if I had to pick one memory from the time I would pick that. I ran that entire 26.2 miles with my eyes filled with  tears. I will always remember the woman on the side of the road who offered us candy and told us she had been on the 84th floor of one of the towers. She was out there supporting us, New York, America and herself that day. She was making a positive story and changing her vibrations. Finishing that marathon was technically no big deal – I had done alot of marathons before that one but crossing the finish line  that day was significant for me and represented all that I stood for in my life and in my career. I accomplished a small feat that day and the United States had accomplished a much bigger feat by demonstrating its resilience in the weeks, months and years following that day.

You can continue to be horrified by an event or you can see what good came from it. I could write for days about the good that came from that day’s happenings but what I really want is for you to look at your own story about 9/11 and see if you can tell a different one. Go back and read yesterday’s post if need to see the benefits for changing your story. Try it today.



What Story Are You Telling?

book_character_reading_400_clr_9091What? What the heck are you talking about Terrie? What do you mean by my “story”?

Everything we talk about is in story form in one fashion or another.

There are facts and there are stories that revolve around those facts. The stories vary from person to person. Look at so-called “eyewitness” accounts. They can differ dramatically. It’s all about interpretation. You’ve heard “perception is reality” I’m sure. Well that is true.

And there is a definite vibration surrounding your story. So why not tell the story the way you wanted it to be? “But that would be lying” you say. Not really. You can talk about facts without putting lower level vibrations (also known to some as “negative” vibrations) into them. Let’s take a recent example that I mentioned Sunday about not getting into the 100 mile endurance run I wanted to get into.


  • I prepared really well:
    • I wrote in my gratitude journal that I got into this event
    • I had no other activities planned for that day until after the sign up time
    • I rebooted both of my computers and shut down everything that would use up resources
    • I was online on both computers on the right site so that I just had to click refresh
  • I clicked refresh repeatedly when the registration link did not show up
  • I repeated this action for 30 minutes, never getting a live registration link
  • I did not get into the event


  1. It’s just not fair that I didn’t get in. I did everything right. It must be fixed so that only certain people get in. Why couldn’t I get in. It’s not fair. They don’t want people to participate unless they are specially chosen. I can’t do anything right. This must mean that all this Law of Attraction and gratitude stuff doesn’t really work. I’m so hurt, sad, disappointed, frustrated. I’m really mad I wasted my whole Saturday.
  2. I didn’t get in. There is a reason and it’s one I can’t see right now but I know that “everything always works out for me” and this will too. I had considered whether the dates of this event were too close to the more important 150 mile event I am going to do for MS so maybe this is the Universe’s way of confirming that. It also means I can find other events to run in. I just have to look and will find something even better for me.

See how the facts are pretty straight forward but the two stories are completely different? And there are multiple variations on the story that I could have written.

Which story do you want to tell? Practice changing your story. We’ll talk more about this later this week but right now it’s time for a run!
