Help Me Write My Book – 2014 Is The Year of You!

Old book with feather and inkpotI want this year t o be YOUR year! I want to help you in any way I can.  I know that each of you has a story or a question and feel that you want to help others but perhaps, don’t feel that you have an entire book inside of you! Well, here’s the answer.

So what does that have to do with you helping me write my book?

Simply this – I want this book to be about you, about what you want, what you need, what you’ve experienced, what you’ve succeeded at and anything else you can think of!

Metaphysics is much more than the Law of Attraction but “The Secret” did the world a very big favor by bringing the basic concepts of metaphysics or New Thought to the attention of everyone.  However, many people still think that the Law of Attraction doesn’t work. And the reason they feel that is because they don’t understand that there’s other concepts that go along with it that have to be working too. The Universe operates like a well – oiled machine. I want to be the WD-40 for people to get that machine working, keep the cogs turning smoothly or get the rust out of the machinery so that it can work.

How can you help me? This book is about using the Universal Laws (all of them) and how they affect your life. Here are a few of the ways you can help:

1) Ask me questions. They can be general questions about how does this work or why doesn’t that work. Or it can be something specific to your situation. If you’re going to ask a question specific to your situation, you nmultiple_signs_questions_400_clr_13402eed to provide enough information that I can get an idea of all the factors involved. Or, if you give me your contact information (which I hope you do anyway) I can ask for clarification. This is a first “attempt” to involve you in my endeavor. By the way, I won’t be able to answer you directly -that is not the purpose of this. However, if it’s a pertinent question I might do a post here on the subject as well as include it in the book (or perhaps instead of including it).


2) podcasting_400_clr_7261 Allow me to interview you. If you have had successes or a process that’s worked really well for you, share it with us via interview. This is a powerful way to get your success out there and when you send out the successful vibrations to the Universe, you will receive even more back. Plus, your story will help others that you may never know about but may make a big difference in their life. I don’t know about you but that thought sends goosebumps up and down my spine.  The interviews are very informal and are just between you and me – they are not on the radio or in front of others. I may get them transcribed and use them in the book. But I will either get your permission to use your name and story or if that’s not something you want (and I certainly understand) I will change the names and particulars of the story for your privacy.


iStock_000019425018XSmall 3) Send me your story. Similar to number 2 but without the audio interview. Just tell me your success or your story and the same principles apply. Help others. That should be our theme for this year. In helping others we receive so much back from  the Universe.

4) Send me a process or method. You may not think you have a “whole story” but you have a particular technique/process/method you use to help you in certain situations (for example, some people use Abraham-Hicks’ placemat process to help eliminate overwhelm. Many use EFT but use it doing something consistently. Others have other clearing techniques they use).

5) Send me affirmations that have worked for you and helped you change your thinking.

6) Send me a list of your beliefs, whether limiting or empowering. This will be one of the most helpful things for other folks out there – because many people have the very same limiting beliefs. Also you can tell me

  • How you’ve identified your limiting beliefs.
  • How you’ve changed those limiting beliefs.


7) Volunteer to be a part of a group involved in creating this book. I don’t know any more specifics at this point because I don’t know where it’s all going but the more people involved, the better.  As you get more involved, you might remember what’s worked for you no matter how small. The more you read about other successes, the more you go “oh, yeah, this is what I did the year that I found that great job”.
8) Anything else you can think of!

Are you willing to help us help others? As this evolves, those that are willing to help will have special access to material and me. There will be teleseminars (I’d love to have a monthly question and answer teleseminar for all of you but need your questions in order to do that), articles, audios etc and if your submission helps me with this, not only will you be a part of that special membership area but you’ll also receive an advance copy of the book when it’s ready (may be digital at first). This offer is for those who are serious about helping and willing to provide their names, email addresses and physical addresses. I will determine who is part of the membership area based on the contribution.

You can email me (use the contact button on the home page) but even better would be to comment here so that you can help stimulate the minds of others.  If you’re on our email list, you will be getting several emails about this because often people don’t read the first one or two that are sent because they’re so busy or because of spam or whatever other reason.

I’m excited and I hope you are! I know there is a story inside of you, a success, something you are just itching to share with others.

Thanks in advance! I’ll keep you posted.
