Do You Have a Personal Trainer For Your Soul?

personal_trainer_with_treadmill_400_clr_3845You’ve heard me talk about Dan, my former personal trainer – the man who changed my life completely – in only 2 1/2 years! And, although he was “supposed” to only work on my body, he definitely impacted my emotions, my spirit and every possible part of my life. That is what changed my life – working on and with the total package.  When I signed up to work with Dan, I did so for one specific reason. I was having back pain in the right side of my upper back and thought that if I strengthened my core, that would make the pain go away. In the long run, it did NOT go away, but what I got out of all those sessions with this wonderful man for 2 1/2 years was worth so much more. I learned what was deep inside of me and more importantly, I learned to believe in myself – something which I had not done for over 60 years before Dan.

Coaches or trainers are vital if you want to go about changing your life.  You can tell them what you want to work on and aim toward that  goal but a  “Life Coach” or a “Law of Attraction” coach (which is what I am certified as) will help you see what’s going on in your entire life because, you know what? If you have resistance (a block) in one area of your life, it will definitely be impacting your success in other areas. Even though you can still achieve things in these other areas, your success will multiply significantly and your momentum will increase dramatically if you address the areas with resistance.

Think of it this way – when you go on a trip and there’s construction or an accident on the road (even if it’s in the opposite direction from where you’re going), you won’t get there as fast as you could have if you had one of those up to date technological GPS systems that monitor the traffic as you drive. It would have directed you differently so that you’d miss the accident, the block. That block in your road impacts everything you’re trying to do – you can’t get to work quickly, you might miss a meeting because of that, you will increase the internal stress you’re feeling especially if you have something that needs to be done. You might be late for a date with another person. That would impact your relationships as would the internal discomfort you’re feeling. All aspects of your life are impacted by this one block. If you know your way around the town, you could exit and work around the block.

In the same way, a coach will help you when you come up against a block in your life. You might recognize that it’s a block but don’t know what to do about it or you might not even realize you have a block. A “personal trainer for your soul” (a coach) will help you identify these areas of resistance and guide you to figure out what you want to do and what you can do to work around it.  Remember the saying that insanity is doing the same thing over and over yet expecting different results.  Sometimes people just keep trying things that are actually variations on the same theme over and over again yet get nowhere substantial. Your “spiritual personal trainer” will help you identify what is the same activity and ask you how you’ve faired when you’ve used that technique before. A “spiritual personal trainer” will guide you but allow you to come up with your own solutions. Everyone who is successful has a team behind them. This is no different. Your “spiritual personal trainer” is a vital part of your team.

Consider hiring a coach, a spiritual personal trainer. I have had several and I would not change that at all. I have achieved so much more in my life than I would ever have been able to simply by fumbling around on my own.

Try it, you’ll like it! If you have experience with a coach, talk about it in the comment box below. Let others know about your success.


Life Is A Team Sport – All Teams Have Coaches

four_legged_race_fail_400_clr_13648Are you part of a “team” that’s not quite in synch?  A group that’s falling all over itself – whether this is a family, group of friends or colleagues at work. Take a look at the teams you’re involved with.

Humans are, by nature, members of groups. Oh, you may think of yourself as a loaner but when push comes to shove, you don’t survive alone.  Even Sandra Bullock in “The Net” really wanted relationships with others but was painfully shy (and nerdy).

But also as humans we want to “do our own thing”.  We think we’ve got our stuff together and we know how to get along with everyone or worse yet, we don’t care if we get along.

We should care and we need to invoke the greatest knowledge possible to interact in a productive manner each and every day.  We don’t know what’s going on in other folks’ minds. We don’t even really know what they mean when they say things. We THINK we know what they mean but we rarely will ask for clarification or verification of what they really mean.  So we blithely go along acting in response to what we THINK.

You’ve heard the expression/quote that says “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results”. Sometimes we don’t realize that we are doing the same things over and over – we just do them. That’s the power (not always good) of habit. And awareness is required for us to see the habits that sort of run our days. You can work on this yourself by paying attention to EVERYTHING you do but that could get cumbersome and might even defeat your purpose and develop other habits. There is nothing wrong with stopping before you think or act though and analyzing why you are taking that action.  That will help you become aware.

You can also solicit an “accountability” buddy and ask that person to help you recognize when you do something you’ve decided you want to change. Of course, that accountability buddy can also be considered a coach since you’ve asked someone four_legged_race_400_clr_13647outside of yourself to examine your behavior and help you identify when and why you do something.

We all can use help or support. That is exactly what a coach does. You can use a coach in any way you choose – any way you think will help you conquer your problem. Life Coaches (or even Law of Attraction coaches like myself) help you in whatever area of your life you are looking to improve. You identify an area you want to change and the coach will help you get your ducks in a row and help you figure out what you have to do in order to achieve that goal. You can have one primary coach with many additional supporters or you could even have various coaches. I know people who have both life coaches and business coaches. I can see the benefit in that for sure.

Figure out if you’ve been doing the same thing over and over again without getting the results you want.

Then consider using a Law of Attraction coach to help you continuously raise your vibration and stay on those high-flying discs in order to achieve your goal. Contact me if you’re interested in seeing what we could do together.



What I Learned in Just 7 Days, Part 1 – ….Amazing Shift in Power and Perspective

 It’s kind of funny. I was just preparing some material for Define & Conquer 2013 and was looking back at last week’s posts. In the morning post from the 26th I sounded rather blah about doing a second 1/2 marathon that day. Little did I know what was going to happen. I had no idea how much my life and psyche was going to change in just 7 days.

Instead of just doing two back to back half-marathons, I ended up doing 6 1/2 marathons and 1 FULL marathon (26.2 miles) in 7 days. I had NOT planned on doing that at all. I was going to “try” to run 3 half-marathons in a row over the weekend. Although I had thought about doing all 7 half-marathons, that had been thwarted by my having to go back to work on Thursday and Friday. But then I got brave and asked my boss for those two additional days off – not so I could run but for other reasons. And I was blessed because he said “yes”.

Now that I had the opportunity to run all 7, did I have the courage and the capability?

I wasn’t sure. And I definitely wasn’t going to commit to anyone that I was going to try. That might mean failure if I couldn’t. And no one wants to risk failure if they can help it. But I don’t know that it was that I didn’t want to risk failure. More that I didn’t want to be embarrassed if I failed (in my mind it would have been a failure – not in other people’s – see how our limiting beliefs get in the way).

But you know what? I did the second and then I committed to showing up to try the 3rd. Doing the second one was uncharted territory for me and doing 3 in a row certainly was. But by then I was really up for a challenge and willing to put myself out there.


Because of the love and support I felt from these people I had simply interacted with once before – over Thanksgiving weekend. They embraced my attempt and realized that it was something new for me and beyond what I had done before. It was ‘nothing’ for them because they were all doing 12 FULL marathons in a row so doing another half marathon really was no big deal for them. But you would never have known it. You would have thought I was running for president and they were all my supporters. It was such a shift of energy – a feeling of acceptance and support I had never felt before from runners. Since I’m so slow and most runners are all about time and being fast, they don’t usually want anything to do with a slowpoke – and an old one to boot.

I know that I would not even have attempted this had it not been for all their energy. I was thinking about that last night especially as I still sat in awe of what I actually went out and did. Would I have done 6 runs in a row of 13.1 miles each and one of 26.2 miles – all in 7 days without them? NO! I can almost guarantee it. I fed off their energy pure and simple. You could feel it surround everyone, not just me. This group of people (and especially the race director) are very special folks filled with so much love and dedication.

Each step was preceded by my new mantra – forward motion. That’s all it was – relentless forward motion. I had to just continue moving forward. That’s what we all must do in life – every day, every minute, we have to continue to move forward. Do not ever forget that.

There were many obstacles during this 7 days for sure. I will talk about them more later. Again, if left to my own devices I would not have completed these events. Yet with the encouragement and witnessing of what each of them was working toward and overcoming I was able to overcome my own monsters (obstacles).

Here’s some words  and phrases that describe the concepts I experienced in 7 days – and I’ll talk more about these in future parts: Perspective, Perception, Persistence,  Overcoming Obstacles, Judgment, Perseverance, Passion, Pursuit, Love, Friendship, Camaraderie, Chunking Down, Acceptance, Mind over Body, Mind with Body, Pushing Pain, Loving What you Do, Doing What You Love, Teamwork, Balance, Rest,  Achievement, and so much more

There’s much to be learned about life in this short time frame. I can tell you that my power and my perspective has definitely changed.

Til later – sign up for Define & Conquer 2013 NOW.

Who Are Your Cooperative Components?

 This quote from Abraham summarizes not only the past 9 months for me, but also the past few days of working with all of you.

My Imagination Attracts All Cooperative Relationships… You have the power to evoke from others the relationships that you desire. But you cannot get to a new-and-improved situation by giving your attention to the current situation. The Universe, and all physical and Non-Physical players in it, is responding to the Vibrations that you are offering; and there is no distinction made between the Vibrations that you offer as you observe, and the Vibrations that you offer as you imagine. . . . If you will simply imagine your life as you want it to be, all cooperative components will be summoned. And even more important, all components that are summoned will cooperate. It is Law. The experience that you have with others is about what you evoke from them.

— Abraham

Excerpted from the book, The Vortex, Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships # 470

It’s really all about Cooperative Relationships. We bring others into our lives to work together. We can bring them in as Cooperative components (meaning they all work together) or Uncooperative (meaning the opposite). Naturally a person wouldn’t intentionally bring them in as uncooperative but by “telling the same old story” they will be bringing in the same character types (even with different faces) as they have been all along.

What I realized in the past several months is that it’s really all about teamwork (Cooperative Components) and I was able to bring them into my existence as soon as I thought about them. When I first started imagining and training for the NYC Marathon a year ago, I was operating from the same place I had been 11 years ago when I really did not have any resources or any type of components to assist me in reaching my desires (many reasons) so I was on my own. But this year I have a much different perspective on life and have grown over the last 11 years and although I was initially “stuck” in the old ways, as I went along, my dream became such a  large, powerful and positive force that I (with help from Kay and EFT) began to take the blinders off and see an entire world of Cooperative Components around me – all there for me to call into my world. And believe you me, I started calling them and bringing them into my inner circle.

I could never have gotten to this point without my TEAM of coaches. Each has their own aspect of my life to address, but you know what? They are all Life Coaches even though that’s not what they are called. Why do I say that? Because they are all an integral part of my life – my life, not just my training. I pulled out all the stops in the last two months and solicited AIRROSTI doctors as an additional force of my team. And if you want a laugh, you can see my AIRROSTI doc, Dr. Jackson in a very funny interview – it put a big smile on my face because I’ve watched her an “Adam” interact and they are just like this interview. But, I digress….

My personal trainer (Dan) and my EFT practitioner (Kay) have been with me the entire year. Without them I would not be where I am today. I have to say that the Internet was a coach too. I found information on my shins and hips on the Internet and that’s why I was able to get through the inevitable injuries from such long training. I had THE most Cooperative Components possible. And there were the other Components too – Abraham-Hicks, Christy Whitman, Dr. Jeanette Cates, my POD group from my coaching class and on and on and on. I listened to Abraham’s teaching every Sunday during my 5-7 hour long runs and I learned more than you can possibly imagine. I was running in the Vortex (another post to come) almost every minute of every run. And you can’t ask for anything better.

So, what Cooperative Components have you drawn into your life? Which ones can you recruit and add to your team? Do you need help thinking around your box (not just outside of it)? Do you have a stable person (or persons) you can go to whenever things are not going as you would like them? What do you think you could accomplish if you did have a coach as a Cooperative Component? Who is your coach? Would you like to reach further toward your goals. Holly reminded me the other day of my primary goal in life – to dedicate a wing of St Jude Children’s Research Hospital to my hero – Suzanne. Thank you for that Holly! Who do you have on your side to bring you back to your path to the Vortex?

Think on these questions and let me know what you think and where you think you really could go if you brought the best possible Cooperative Components into your life…comment below.
