Momentum Monday

momentum-monday1“Most who are looking for mates that they haven’t quite found yet are so interested in getting to where they’re going that they’re missing the fun of going there.


Excerpted from the workshop: San Francisco, CA on March 02, 1997”

Although this quote is referencing looking for a relationship/partner, the concept behind it applies to every aspect of life.

I experienced this and missed so much of my childhood and young adulthood because I was driven with a singular goal in mind – to be a doctor. Everything I did was aimed toward that one goal. I never paid attention to anything that was going on around me whether that be people or events or nature or anything. I simply wanted to become a doctor.

The day I graduated from medical school, the one thought that went through my head was “What now?”. There was only a few fleeting moments of joy at having achieved my goal but then I realized that life had to go on and I had no idea what life really was all about. This is so applicable to making sure that your goals do not overtake you and keep you from enjoying the journey to the finish line. It’s also about making sure you have created another goal for when you’ve accomplished this one.

It’s so essential that we enjoy every day and do something meaningful every day. Learn and do something new, go somewhere new or special. Most of all, though, I feel that living every day to the fullest is about giving something to someone every single day. That may be just a smile or a compliment or it may be a dollar to someone on the corner. I don’t know but I do know that at this time of year, there are a great many people in need. The obvious ones are those in need of financial support especially if they have children. But the ones that I think are more important and unfortunately not obvious are those that are sad and depressed and have significant problems with the holidays. There are so many suicides during this time and if you’ve ever been depressed or just down, you know the pain of watching others be so joyful and having others to love and be loved by when you feel you have nothing.

Reach out to at least one person a day. Even if it’s just to ask “Hey, how are you doing? You are such a valuable person that I wanted you to know how much you mean to me.” Something like that. Write an email to an old friend to see how they are doing. Join a forum and see what you can do to help others. I want to start that type of forum here so that others have a place to go where there are like minded people and the price of membership would be to do something good for someone (either in the forum/membership) or not.

What can you do today? Who can you touch today? Make a decision that you will NOT continue to miss another day along the wonderful path you are on. Stop and really smell the roses – the roses are euphemisms for whatever glory you might see along the way.

Be in the present but most of all do something for another person today!


The YOUniverse

youniverse With all the talk we’ve done about vibrations and momentum, it’s so important to realize that EVERYTHING in your life is centered around YOU. That’s why you should think of your surroundings as your YOUniverse.

No, this is NOT selfish but it is self-centered. Most people have a negative reaction to that phrase too – self-centered. But, if you understand the Law of Attraction and the fact that you create everything in your life, you will realize that this requires self-centeredness (is that a word?).

However, this concept is also the most generous and giving there is. Because if you get your own momentum going in the direction you wish (some call it positive although there really is no positive and negative when it comes to emotions) and your vibrations are elevated, you will be doing more for those around you than you can by taking conscious actions.

When you create your world, it’s so important that you focus on the things that make you feel good. Focusing on them will bring more of that good feeling into your life. Remember that you only have to “Ask” the Universe once for something. Then move on to raising your vibration and getting yourself in the right space (vibration) to accept what you have asked for. That 3rd step is the hardest part for us humans. We “ask” all the time – any time we think about something for more than 17 seconds we’ve essentially asked for more of it.  After we’ve asked, the Universe immediately provides it – but what happened? It sure hasn’t appeared as a physical manifestation in your life. So does that mean it doesn’t work? No, it means two things, one of which we should be very grateful for – we cannot immediately manifest things in our life – there is the Law of Gestation which means that things come into your life when the time is right. Dr. Kunath used to use a great example in her own  life. When her kids were little she recognized one day how grateful she was that she didn’t immediately manifest what she said. She found herself looking out the door and seeing her kids playing on top of the neighbor’s roof. She screamed at them “Get down from there – you’re going to fall and break your neck”. At that moment she realized that we needed much more Divine Wisdom to be able to immediately manifest. Otherwise some of the really stupid things we say would actually come true. She also gave a presentation at one of the big international conferences on “Oops, what do you do when you get what you asked for”.  Something to think about for sure. Thank goodness for the requirement for 68 seconds of focus (concentrating on something for a series of 4 consecutive 17 second periods puts the Universe into action bringing you what you’ve asked for). Most people can’t (or don’t) focus on one thing for that long.

The second implication from not receiving what we ask for (or so it seems) is even more important. We must “Allow” the physical manifestation to come into our life.  Many times this is because we’ve been taught that we shouldn’t ask for things or 1236855_603864969656204_580817517_nthat we have to deserve something or earn something.  We have all sorts of limiting beliefs – beliefs that keep us from accepting that we are deserving, we are worthy of receiving what we’ve asked for.  That’s where the vibration/emotions and momentum comes into play. Concentrating on your YOUniverse and how you feel and think and act with the express purpose of being at the highest vibration possible while generating and maintaining momentum on a higher plane will put you in a space where you allow the Universe to bring you what you asked for. Remember my analogy of placing your order (asking), the company fulfills and ships the order (the Universe gives you what you’ve asked for). The shipper is at your front door but if you don’t answer the door or open it to receive what you’ve ordered, you will continually think that your order has not been filled. And you’ll get disappointed, discouraged and disbelieving.

It’s so important for you to work on realizing that what you have in your life is something you’ve asked for at another time in your life. Make a list of the good and bad things that you’ve experienced and see if at some point in the past you hadn’t been concerned or focused on something of that nature.

Being positive, by itself, won’t work. You can say affirmations all day long (and I’m a big believer in affirmations), but if you haven’t cleared the land of your limiting beliefs (especially the self-worth and deserving beliefs), you will blocking the good from coming into your life. For example, you can say affirmations in the morning and the evening but if all day long, you’re thinking about those bills you can’t pay, that is what’s prominent in your vibrations and feelings. As such, you’ve spent much more time on the not having enough money to pay your bills, that you will receive more and more of that as long as you continue thinking that way.

This is why my YOUniversal phrases are (I know I repeat them a lot but they have gotten me out of trouble so many times that I can’t say them enough):

“That is not my truth”

“Nothing and nobody can interfere with my prosperity, well-being and peace of mind, not even myself!”

And say them with emphasis. Keep saying them until your fear or anxiety level has significantly decreased and you can focus on one of your “Kodak Moments” stored in the album in your mind – mine is always running related and it works!

Concentrating on your life will bring you all you need to provide the love and kindness for others that you really want to. You hear all the time that you have to love yourself before you can love others. That applies in every aspect of your life.

Start working more in your YOUniverse and remember the 17 second rule (four periods of focusing for 17 seconds will get you to 68 seconds and that is essential for bringing the manifestation into your life).


Do You Have A Daily “To Be” List?

check_off_with_pencil_800_7226Almost everyone I know has a “to do” list and they update it at least once a day if not more. It’s full of things that have to get accomplished, places to go, items to pick up, people you want to eat with etc.

Busy, busy, busy.  “Life is so complicated” – that seems to be this generation’s mantra. But is it really as complicated as we make it? Does it have to be?  I, personally, do NOT think it has to be so complicated. But am I an expert at uncomplicating it? Unfortunately no.

However, I do know that one way we can make it more meaningful is to work just as hard on a daily “To Be” list as we do on our daily “To Do” list.

The recent shooting at the Navy Yard has had a significant impact on me because it’s so recent and perhaps, because that is where I spent the last 9 years of my Navy career. The other mass shootings and tragedies we’ve had have been important too but I think I was in this particular place right now for many other reasons. Different events impact us in different ways based on how our lives are going in general.

What I started to think about and realize after this latest mess was that those people who were shot got up, ate breakfast, maybe worked out, got ready for work and traveled there – some maybe dreading the drudgery of the day, to besome maybe dreading the day because of boredom and wanting to be retired or someplace else, some just wanting to get thru the day to get it over with, some just too exhausted to think about anything, some not even thinking about work but too sad and depressed to care, some happy about life and looking forward to the evening or the weekend, etc etc.

But their lives were suddenly cut short.

What would you think about your life up to this point if it ended unexpectedly today? You may not have achieved all your goals but would that change what would be your epitaph?

Why not start making a daily “To Be” list.

Include things like:

  • “I am happy today”
  • “I am pleasant to everyone today”
  • “I make at least one (or two or three – you pick) people smile today”
  • “I help another person in some way today”
  • “I want to be there for someone who needs me today – or for someone who needs support”

Put down what it is you want to be – how you want to be remembered.

This list might also include ways you want to feel that day – happy instead of sad, in the moment instead of just waiting til closing time, etc.

This may seem a bit difficult initially but if you make it a practice everyday it will become as automatic as your “To Do” list.

Try it this week – but don’t just make the list, “BE” what you wrote!

Let us know what happens. Does it change your feelings about your day? What else?


Gratitude and Gifts

stick_figure_giving_bouquet_flowers_400_clr_3592As you know all weekend I was writing about Diana Nyad and the many aspects and lessons from her 53 hour swim (and more importantly all that went behind it). And you know what? I’ll continue to write about her (and it) because the number of lessons in this story is amazing – and the lessons about the Law of Attraction in this story are worthy of revisiting for sure.

How do you express gratitude?

Do you keep track of all the “gifts” you receive and have received in your life?

How do you define a “gift” – after all it’s an individual definition.

  • Although folks usually think that a gift is something meant directly for them, I look at a gift as being something that was bestowed upon me  – and sometimes even around me but it touches me even if it wasn’t meant directly for me. That’s often the way it works. We do not live in a vacuum and almost everything that happens in our surrounding environment will have some effect on us.
  • Often people think that a “gift” as being something positive, like flowers or gift card, etc.
  • Also, a gift is commonly considered to be a material object (not always but usually that’s the first thing that people think about)


Let’s take each of these individually.

  •  We can learn so much from what goes on around us. Look at the people and circumstances around you. Did someone say something near you that gave you a great idea or that made you smile even though they weren’t directing it to you? That’s a gift! Did a neighbor do something to their house that raised the property value of your house perhaps? That’s a gift to you even though your neighbor did not do it for you. Get the point?
  • It happens that our most important and valuable gifts are what we might consider “negative” at the time. But remember the “everything always works out for me” mantra. Look back at your life and see the “bad” things that happened in your life and see the good things that actually came from it. My primary example has to do with medical school and my diagnosis of epilepsy. I did not get into medical school the first two times I applied. I was so depressed because that’s all I  ever wanted since I was 4 years old. Picture this tiny little red headed, freckle faced girl standing with her hands on her hips and proudly announcing to the world at large “I am going to be a doctor”. And I never wavered from that. But then, oh my goodness, what was I going to do – I’ve been “rejected”. I did what any person who didn’t have any alternative goals would do – continue to apply year after year..LOL.  During this dry spell of rejection after rejection, I developed these strange events. To make a long story short – this was diagnosed after a year as epilepsy. About a month after the diagnosis and start of treatment I got into medical school. The gifts here are multiple. I didn’t get into medical school because my epilepsy would have interfered with my studies (and probably would not have been diagnosed much earlier even around a bunch of doctors). By the time I started school, my condition was under control and there was no further problems. It was a gift because it made me understand my patients with chronic disease much better and I could help them more. My understanding of medicine, diagnosing and what people experience with the medical encounter was enhanced (although I didn’t know it at the time) which helped me with others. It was a gift for me to get the diagnosis of epilepsy because my neurologist had said “you either have epilepsy or a brain tumor”. As you can imagine, epilepsy was a much more favorable option for me. There are many other gifts in this experience too but I won’t go into them all. The point is that most people would NOT consider being diagnosed with a chronic, life-long illness as a “gift”. But it was.
  • The last point is also exemplified by my epilepsy – it wasn’t an object, it was a diagnosis but it was a “gift”. A smile or laugh or a stimulated thought is also a gift. It does NOT have to be put in a box to be a gift.

Your work is to make a list of all the gifts you’ve received in your life. That will take some time if you do it right and take this seriously. Write down the “bad” things too and see what gifts came from them. Do this in a journal and take your time. Give gratitude for each and every gift and see if you can see what great things came from that gift. Do that this weekend, ok?

When you express your gratitude, you will empower yourself even more because gratitude is the most powerful force in the universe! Diana knew that and when she had been in the water for almost 50 hours she gathered all her boats around her and thanked her entire crew. She was exhausted and hurting and yet she knew how important gratitude is. How classy is that? Can you just express gratitude after looking at your list? Of course you can – you haven’t been swimming for 50 hours, you’ve just been making a list (and checking it twice…LOL).

Enjoy this exercise please – I promise you it will be fun! Let us know in the comments how things turned out.


World AIDS Day

 Today is World AIDS Day but with everything else that goes on in the world now and in people’s lives, we forget it. That is really a shame because AIDS is still such a big problem and especially for the younger generation who no longer have much awareness of the problem it creates and how it affects and shortens their lives.

We have come a long way in medicine so that AIDS is not that “almost immediate” death sentence it used to be BUT there is still no real cure. Medicine has improved quality and length of life but also comes with a high price tag – not just in currency but in side effects etc.

I bet you have someone in your life (friend, family, colleague) that has been affected in some way by AIDS. But it’s not a “badge of honor” as so many conditions have become. In fact, it bothers me that we have “months” for this and “months” for that but we have one DAY for AIDS awareness (although there is an AIDS awareness “week” now).

What does AIDS mean to you? What does the mention of HIV mean to you and what does it do to your “gut” when you hear it? Do you talk about it with your kids? Do you talk about it with other folks? Do you raise money for the treatment and cure of it? Do you even know how many billions of people (including millions of children) are affected by and dying of AIDS? It is not just a disease that “bad” people get. You must remember that AIDS does not care what your sexual orientation is. It’s a deadly virus and we all have to be aware of it and its devastating effects on the World – both on the population and on the economy.

Take a few moments at least today to think about people with debilitating (either mentally or physically) conditions. Try to get outside yourself and in your thoughts at least send them powerful healing energy and love even if you don’t know them. Use the word AIDS to do just that – provide AID to someone either in person or from afar.

Instead of just thinking outside the box (I really don’t like that phrase) BE outside the box and act outside of yourself. Do something nice for someone today – AID them.
