One Step Forward…..

As you may or  may not have noticed, I’ve been MIA (missing in action) for over a week.

The FLU!!!!  Get your flu shot now if you haven’t already. I just hadn’t “gotten around to it” and boy am I sorry I procrastinated on this – but aren’t we always sorry we procrastinate on things…sigh. But that’s for another time.

What I really wanted to talk about today  is that old phrase “one step forward and two steps back”.  That’s the spiral that I feel I am in right now. But it’s totally up to me to keep it from being a negative spiral and using the changes to my advantage. That is my responsibility because what I do and what I choose to do is all dependent on what’s inside of me, NOT what’s external. It’s often easier to put the blame or responsibility outside of ourselves because then we don’t have to do anything – we can just whine and complain and feel sorry for ourselves. No  other action is expected  of us. Anne used to say that once you started learning metaphysics you were “in trouble” (jokingly) because you can no longer stand by innocently and blame the Universe for what happens to you. You MUST accept responsibility and take action because this is all of your making.

I know this and so I am examining my attitude and making the appropriate adjustments. I have definitely declared that 2016 is MY YEAR. And I know it will be. So, I have to look at everything that happens and simply “Declare it good!” and then believe that it will be good. So many things have happened in my life to prove this statement that all I really need to do is look back at a few of them (remember I call them Kodak Moments because they are good memories that I can recall and change my vibration almost immediately).

What does all this have to do with my not posting for over a week? I was finally getting back into the swing of running – even though I really was starting over and almost as if I had never run before. But, at least i was out there doing it. And feeling good about persisting through the discouraging moments, those moments of doubt about whether I’d really be able to run or not but continuing to be out there. And then I get hit with this knock down Flu bug and I’m out of commission for about two or more weeks. That means I will have to start over again….poor me..NOT. I am declaring it GOOD! I know there is good in this one step forward and two back. I am being exposed to important lessons and it’s up to me to absorb them and build on them. That I can do. That I will do. I am unstoppable!

What seems to be standing in your way? What can you do to change your attitude to deal with it in such a way that it will end up “Good”.

Remember to declare everything GOOD!


What’s Your “Nyad”?


Figure out what’s inside of you – what’s there that you want to accomplish, what’s there that you’ve been dreaming about for years, what are you passionate about? That’s your “Nyad“.

You can adopt that phrase to represent something deep inside you that you really want to accomplish. It’s most likely something that you’re not ready to announce or even tell your significant other yet. Perhaps it’s still in the gestation period and you need to nurture it some more.

Today is the day to start ‘watering’ and nourishing your “Nyad”.  Consider using “The Passion Test” to help you with this.  It’s a great story and the test is actually pretty quick and easy – plus it’s YOURS and you can also refine it as you go along.

If you’re not happy or are feeling like something is missing in your life, this is the place to start. There is a “Nyad” buried deep in each of us. Most of us are afraid to admit it – even to ourselves. But you don’t need to be afraid to find it my dream isand cherish it and smile to yourself. Keep it to yourself because it’s still fresh and vulnerable and all those well-meaning folks around you will try to “protect” you by convincing you that your idea/dream is “really stupid” or “you can’t do that – when are you going to have the time to do that?” or “What? You’ve got to be kidding, right?”. This is a pretty normal reaction from folks around you and it’s the easiest way to set yourself up for failure or derailment. So keep it to yourself until you have firm plans in place.

If you don’t have the Passion Test and want to get started right now, start writing down exactly what your ideal life will be like. What will you be doing or being or what will you have? These are not goals, they are processes.  Take that first step today. What is it you REALLY want? Look deep inside. What’s been there nagging you all through your working to “make a living”, “raise a family”, “be a good spouse”, etc. We put off what we want for so long and for so many other reasons that it’s time we just said – “hey, this is really what I want to do with my life and I’m going to start pursuing it now”!

Do NOT allow yourself to be stopped by the fear or wonder of how on earth you’ll be able to pull this off. The Universe will provide the way and clear the obstacles for you.

Will you start making that list today? I am. Share below if you like – ideas on this topic, not necessarily your dreams (yet).  If you want to be bold, you certainly can share your goal!
