INTA as always, was a fantastic event. This year was wonderful beyond words. (I say that every year)
Category Archives: INTA
Anne’s INTA Report!
INTA as always, was a fantastic event. This year was wonderful beyond words. (I say that every year)
Join Anne At INTA in July!
Just a week left….
….before INTA – the big event in the New Thought community! INTA stands for International New Thought Alliance. Next week is their annual congress – in Phoenix, Arizona. The one I went to was a long, long time ago in Calgary, Canada. But even though it was a long time ago, it certainly enthused me more than I could ever imagine. I encourage everyone to consider attending one of these annual events (Anne has hosted two of them here in San Antonio – while I was out doing Navy stuff in another location – and we can’t convince her to have another one…although with all the work it entails I certainly understand why she’s being resistant.
Edwene Gaines will be receiving the Torchbearer of New Thought award. Anyone who has ever heard her speak knows that this is a very well deserved award. Not only does she speak but she has a wonderful book (The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity) that’s been on the bestseller lists – and when you read it, you’ll see why. (Wow, I just found out that offers a new service – books that are ‘eligible’ can be upgraded so that you can read them online. Check this out. It’s obviously been too long since I bought a book online – how did that happen?)
This year’s Congress will be extra special because Anne will be receiving the Lifetime Achievement Award!
Since, once again, I won’t be able to attend, she and I have worked out a system where we will be able to bring you highlights of what happens there. Each night of the event, we’ll be talking by phone (and recording) what happened. I will then post that recording here on our website.
So, if you can go, I highly recommend it. But, if you can’t, stay tuned to our website to see the happenings!