Thursday I talked about two words you should use over and over again every day. I think the Universe only heard the “two words” and “hear over and over again” and missed which two words those were. If that’s the case, the Law of Attraction worked very well, much to my dismay.
Maybe it’s the people whose lists I subscribe to but almost every email I received Friday had “Black Friday” in the subject line. That automatically meant that something was being sold. It took only about an hour of this inundation to drive me to leave my computer. But then when I returned, the number of emails had multiplied. Sigh…..
What was disappointing was that these are people who have excellent content on their sites and it’s obvious that they are just following what they feel to be good marketing strategies by having a sale on the day after Thanksgiving. LIke no one ever buys anything any other day or they couldn’t have a sale on another day. That is insulting to me – they could have a midweek sale next week or the week after and still make as much money (If not more since they won’t be competing with other folks at that time). It also makes me unsubscribe to their lists.
In the past when I heard the words “Black Friday”, it always bothered me, especially when it was associated with Thanksgiving. I felt it was something evil and how could the day after Thanksgiving be evil? It’s always seemed so sinister to me. I never understood how there could be such violence as there is when people are in line and fighting for a product or even just to get in the store. The “almighty dollar” reigns supreme and I don’t like that. I believe in abundance and prosperity but this goes beyond in my opinion. Now, since I also subscribe to the fact that what we see is a mirror of the mind, I have to take some quiet time and examine what’s going on inside of me and what this avalanche of “Black Friday” sales/emails really is telling me.
Do you have something that really sticks in your craw (as they say)? If so, try to go within and remember that we do create EVERYTHING in our lives and have to be responsible for it. The key is to recognize this and then do something constructive about it.
I don’t know much more about what it all means for me right now, but I do know that I don’t want to hear those words again.
Today is small business Saturday and to me, that’s a much more important day to tout since it supports people who are trying to make it in this world of big business and monopolies. Support your local stores please. They need and deserve it for they make your community alive and well.
Enough of a rant – at least I know I have to look inside.