Influential Laws/Beliefs That Govern Your Life – Part 1

rule 1The Law of Consciousness

This is the first law – The Law of Consciousness.

Law of Consciousness

You are everything that you have ever read, heard on the radio or television, in school, read in encyclopedias or heard from your parents or siblings.

Siblings tell you things to scare you.

Ministers tell you things about your life and you may no longer believe in those things.

Much of what you’ve been told is made of old wives tales too or research has changed the validity of those beliefs. You can have beliefs in you that are completely invalid right now.

Maybe you were told you had to work hard to get anywhere. That might have set you up for failure or for hard work or maybe even both because you believe you can’t get anywhere unless you’re working 14 or 16 hours a day (or more).

What about concepts like:

  • “You have to have an education to get anywhere”
  • “Girls can’t do that”
  • “You’re just like your ____ (fill in the blank)”
  •  You’re told what our health is going to be like. “This or that runs in our family”.

Your subconscious is like a garbage dump. It holds everything – the good and not so good. It holds the bad, the angry, the hostile, all of your opinions and the opinions that were given to you.

Once you start giving up just a few of these beliefs, you’ll be amazed at the changes you’ll see happening in your life.

You are like an onion, though, and have to work down to the deepest beliefs by peeling the onion. You have to examine each belief that pops up and decide whether to keep it or discard it.

If you have chaos in your life, then you have thoughts that are out of harmony with something you want to do. Chaos here means things you don’t want are in your life. You’ve let fear take over. You’ve let anger take over or you’ve condemned or criticized. By the way, the word “problem” is quite acceptable and is not negative because there always is a solution!

Don’t dwell on your mistakes or what you could have or should have done. That just activates the Law of Attraction to bring you more chaos and you don’t get out of that downward spiral.

You have to be careful about what you’re looking at and what you’re asking for. For example there are people who say they want to lose weight no matter what it takes. Our culture has the vision of people who are critically or terminally ill looking scrawny and emaciated. If you don’t qualify what you’re asking for (do not put “whatever it takes”), you might actually get the result you’re asking for but with dire consequences – you’ll lose the weight but be very, very sick.

I’ve done this and caught myself when I’ve said I’d really like to retire. I have to be careful to qualify this and say something like “regular” retirement so that it eliminates the possibility of requiring a medical retirement. If I just ask the Universe to help me retire, then it will take the easiest way out – and that might actually be the medical route. I surely do NOT want that.

So, you have all these beliefs in our “garbage dump” (the subconscious) and your job is to weed out what is valid and what you want to continue to believe and what is invalid and what you no longer choose to believe. Once you identify a belief, ask yourself:

  • who was my authority on this? If it was your parents, how did they turn out? Do you want to be like them? You have to separate what they taught you that you want to believe from that which they taught you that you don’t want to believe.
  • if it’s limiting in any way, you don’t want to keep that belief (like women have to work harder than men to be successful).

You have to be able to realize that our parents were just normal people, not deities whose every word was the Gospel.

Now take some time and think about what you were taught. Then ask yourself if this is something you continue to believe or want to continue believing. Ask yourself who your authority was/is on this issue. Then write down the belief you choose to adopt. Try that on for size and see how it feels.

The next law is the next step in eliminating your limiting beliefs and replacing them. So stay tuned!






Law of Concsiousness – Part 2

Here’s the second part of The Law of Consciousness – start putting the principles in these two posts into practice today!

see who was the authority in your life. This authority still affects your life today. When you realize you were told things that you don’t choose to believe, then you can use denials and affirmations. That is the Law of Mind Action, which means to deliberately make choices to change your belief system to what you want to believe.

We’re learning to live by choice. We want to live by choice. It’s the job for our soul growth to get back to the Garden of Eden through our own choices. The Garden of Eden is whatever we are and want that will make our lives happy, whole, healthy and complete. That is what we call prosperity and this idea of wholeness we want our lives to be and to become.

Look at the positive side of all of the people, friends and relatives who told you things. We have within us ideas that say, “When you grow up, this is what you can be.”

Whatever our parents were is put into our minds and thoughts. If our parents were in the medical field, we have a tendency to dream of that when we grow up. We want that also. If our parents were teachers, professors or firefighters, that may be what we want.

Our mind as a five-year-old could have geared us toward that simply because we took pride in what our parents were. Now you’ve reached an age where that doesn’t apply to you anymore. You may not want to be a surgeon, nurse, doctor or teacher. Your soul may have come in for some other purpose in life.

We have this purpose deeply ingrained within us. It will cause us to be deeply dissatisfied if we are not on our chosen path. We chose that path before we came into this life experience. Look at your chosen field and say, “Is this what I really want to do, or is this something someone else wanted me to do?”

What is our belief system around what we thought our destiny was meant to be? Frequently we discover that what we thought was our work on planet Earth is not really the work we enjoy doing. Our life presence is different for each of us. Each of us has dreams, goals and ideals that are born with us.

I firmly believe that each of us has a Divine plan. What we have grown with has been a part of that Divine plan. If we had much to overcome as we grew, it gave us strength. Maybe we had a lot of situations growing up that caused us to be strong and determined. That will be very beneficial for what you want to do in your life and how successful you are.

That is a part of what is buried in your subconscious. If you were told as a child that you were stubborn or hardheaded, it can be a benefit to you in your chosen field of work. In a relationship, being stubborn and hardheaded is not very good. It interferes with the flexibility we need and the dreams and goals we share with our partners. Remember, we have different ideas, dreams and goals to manifest.

There are four things that we have to do:

1. We come into this world to master our physical bodies and have health and harmony of the body.

2. We come into this world to have wonderful relationships.

3. We come into this world to have financial supply.

4. We come into this world to have soul awareness that will give us the pleasures and attitudes that are ours by Divine right.

When we list these things, we realize that everything we do each day is guiding us toward or away from these goals. It makes us more aware of how we can make the changes in our lives. If we determine what is buried in our subconscious, we can look at it and say, “Do I choose to believe that any longer? Is this something I don’t wish to have in my life?”

If I had a relative who died early, it doesn’t mean everybody who came after that person will have the same health problems. We can change that belief. We live according to the God belief within us and according to when our job is finished. When we stay aware, we are more able to go into different kinds of work to do the things we were placed here to do.

We simply need to ask, “Show me the next step of my Divine plan. I’m not finished yet, God. Show me another step. Show me where I’m going. Show me what I’m doing. Show me what is next.”

All of the things in the subconscious will rise up within us to point out the direction we are meant to take and the new ideals, goals and dreams that are possible to do, believe, say and have.

We need to realize that it is the attitude and the feeling of life within us that is this God presence or this Energy. It is this wonderful thing within us that we call the Christ Presence and the spirit of God. It is this Divine Spark that constantly guides and directs us when we get out of the way of our error belief systems and points of view.

Metaphysics is a wonderful place for us to put into effect that which we believe. We can pour energy into our affirmations. We can visualize and claim our good.

If we believe there is a loving energy that will give to us all of the things we choose to have in our lives, then our solutions will be the proper ones.

If we believe in barrier, overcoming and struggle, we need to let go of those ideas. Those are not truth ideas. God does not place barriers in front of us. God places ease, comfort and wonderful solutions in front of us. The ideas, dreams and goals in front of us are placed there for us to have lives of pleasantness, peace and joy. This is your life.

When you remove all barriers and inaccuracies from the subconscious mind, the Law of Consciousness begins to work and attract all of the things your heart desires. It will attract to you health, happiness, harmony, peace of mind, joy, love and all of the good that is yours by Divine Right. You can accept that and love it. Now is the time.


Beyond The Law of Attraction – The Other Laws

Since “The Secret” came out people think that the Law of Attraction is “it” – the only way to make things happen in your life.

Well, that’s just not true. There are many Universal (or Spiritual) Laws.

Today we’ll talk about The Law of Consciousness – part 1.
Law of Consciousness, the first Law we study. It gives you the ideas, knowledge and understanding to help you determine what your life is all about.

As you look back on your life, you can see how the Law of Consciousness plays a part. It helped make things happen that you did not wish to happen, as well as the unexpected, wonderful surprises that occurred.

you have accept that, from the time of the embryo, we hear. Scientific research has explained that, within the soul and brain of the infant, is consciousness. They hear even while in the womb.

It doesn’t start at birth. It begins even before that. From before birth onward, the things you heard, thought and felt created a pattern within you. This includes everything you had explained to you, even from television and radio.

Everything you have heard, thought, felt or read or anything from your senses makes an impact on the subconscious. Your subconscious simply plays back like a computer what you or someone else has put into it.

Maybe you heard as an infant that you look just like a parent. When you grew to be 10 to 15 years old, you discovered that parent had some problems, attitudes, feelings or habits you didn’t want in your life. If it was ingrained in you from birth that you were just like that parent, then you have problems with the same things your parent did.

It’s very easy to remove yourself from these problems when you realize and recognize what they are. Recognition is the greatest key to change.

We have four major areas to master:

1. Our physical body. We have to master health and harmony in our bodies.

2. Relationships. We have to learn to harmonize and be at peace.

3. Money. We have to master our financial assets.

4. Soul awareness. Our soul awareness constantly brings us new information, wisdom and understanding of the activities and the work we came here to do.

We are constantly attracting and manifesting results according to our beliefs. During our earth learning process, we have two ways to master physical results. Both are necessary as we develop toward our total soul potential.

1. Attraction. We attract to us what we are.

2. Manifestation. We mold things from the invisible substance to the visible.

This is where we sometimes become confused. We say we will attract something into our lives. What we really mean is that we want to manifest it. Sometimes we say we will manifest it when we mean we will attract it.

Both are necessary. We want to attract people and situations into our lives. We want to attract results. We also want to manifest a great financial supply and ideas of wisdom and understanding. We want to manifest the ideas and inspiration that allow us the newness and excitement of life.

The Law of Consciousness is the first and most important. We develop, ask and interpret things that we already believe in. We realize there are many we don’t choose to hold onto in our lives. There are many things we believe that we don’t want to believe. There are many things that are in error.

Belief systems are brought into our lives by many different methods. We have what our parents, ministers and teachers have told us. Other people gave us what they believed to be fact and truth.

Facts change according to new understandings and new knowledge. They change according to the power and presence we give these ideas within us.

We have the old ideas and thoughts of diseases that people are supposed to have throughout their lives. There are a certain percentage of people who are supposed to have colds or the flu.

These negative aspects do not have to apply to us. They were given to us at a time when our soul did not know that we were able to evaluate those things and bring them to a different solution for ourselves.

In the Law of Consciousness, we want to look at these attitudes and ideals that no longer apply to us. Find a pencil and paper.

I’d like you to do a discovery. The Law of Consciousness will help you discover what your beliefs are. This is the most important Law in your life.

Many things were given to you at a time when you were not able to discern truth from fiction, fact from fiction or absolute from non-absolute. Today you see with a different viewpoint that puts you in charge of your life. This energy we call “God” can change and transform everything you choose to transform in your life.

With your pencil and paper, I want you to begin a list. We take on the qualities of the people around us. List your relatives, beginning with your parents. Then list your parents’ prominent qualities. If you were raised by someone other than your parents, use their names.

If your mother’s prominent quality was gentleness, put it down. If your father’s prominent quality was generosity, put it down. It is important in how you perceive your own life to be. If your parents’ dominant qualities were abusive, angry or hostile, write those down.

You’ll show yourself how you relate to your parents and children. Your parents’, grandparents’, great-grandparents’ and great-great grandparents’ belief systems, fears, anxieties and religions have all been passed down to you. Even what you like to eat comes from them. Everything comes from what you were born into.

If you’re still having the same experiences you had as a child or are still surrounded by the same kinds of people, those lessons haven’t been learned yet. That is the importance of the Law of Consciousness.

After you list your parents, think of your grandparents, if you knew them well. What were their qualities? Were they the same as your parents? Did you have a grandparent who was angry or hostile or didn’t like to have children around? Were your grandparents loving, kind and happy? Were they wonderful? Did you prefer to be with them? Next list your aunts’, uncles’ and siblings’ qualities.

Find the pattern. If you have 10 people in your life who are very unproductive, what are your chances for success? If you have many relatives who are go-getters, movers and shakers, what is your chance of being successful? Look at both sides, the productive and the unproductive.

Now look at your school friends growing up. What were their qualities? As you grew older, there were things like jealousy and boyfriends or girlfriends. What did you attract in that time and place? Did you attract relatives, friends and schoolmates who were happy, harmonious, loving and kind?

Did you attract angry people? If you’ve had abusive people in your life, are you attracting more abusive people in spite of having said to yourself, “I never again want anybody in my life who treats me this way.”?

When you study the Law of Consciousness, look back on your life to see why you attracted people and situations for your learning experiences. You have to handle them properly so you don’t need to have that experience again.

Once you have listed your relatives’, parents’ and friends’ prominent qualities, you have a pattern of positive and/or negative. Usually you will have both. You’ll have the very positive people who told you as a child, “You can do anything you choose to do. You have to believe in yourself.” You’ll also have people who said, “You’re too little. You can’t do that. You’re not strong enough. You’re too weak. You’re not healthy enough.”

Those things may have been said to you at a time when you were very much open to other people’s opinions. They’ve made your life what it is today.

Think of the quotes you heard. They gave you your ideas of lack and limitations. They told you what you think about money, relationships and the physical body. All of the things you’ve ever been told are important.

A teacher can influence us so strongly in the first and second grade. That is the time we’re open to any authority. Once you discover the ideas you have, especially the negative, you can say, “Which authority person told me I couldn’t, or I was too little? How important a part did that authority person play in my life? Was it someone I knew just a little or someone I was with everyday?”

There’s much, much more….so keep tuning in…,
