Momentum Monday



As you continue working on your 2015 inventory, think about this saying. I know it’s had meaning for me. But, I have to believe that things are falling into place even when I can’t see what that place is.  I think that’s the problem. We always want to be able to see what’s coming up so we can decide if it’s what we want or not…That’s kind of funny as I write it. That approach is NOT one of faith, nor does it say we have much confidence in our ability to work with the Law of Attraction.

This saying fits quite well with “Everything always works out for me” because if I know that everything is always going to work out for me, then I know that no matter what is happening, it is for the good. It is falling into place. It may not be a place I predicted but remember that when we place our order we should NOT be outlining – outlining is telling the Universe how we want something to occur. Our job is just to “place our order” and then let the Universe find the best way to deliver it. Often times, we don’t do a very good job of “placing our order” – maybe this is  a good time to briefly review what you have to do to get the order actually placed in the Universal Catalog.

  • Decide what it is you actually want. Sometimes this is easier to do by simply listing what you don’t want and then describing the opposite. Make sure that it resonates with you deep inside.
  • Be specific about what you want – go into great detail (this is one of the reasons I’m having you write your script for next year – so you can list the details). For example, you can’t just say you want a “lasting relationship” or an “intimate relationship” because you could have either of those with an abusive criminal or someone who hates everything you like.
    • Write out the specifics and go into the greatest detail you can.
    • Always end with “this or something better”
  • Read the list over again and make sure it’s really what you want.
  • Do NOT allow yourself to be swayed. When you do that, you’ll never get what you want.
  • Do NOT doubt that you’ll get what you’ve asked for – no matter how long it seems to take (remember the Law of Gestation).

Place your 2016 order now!





Momentum Monday

momentum-monday1Impatience is a sign of hurrying, hurrying is a sign of worrying, worrying is a sign of fear, and fear is a sign that someone has temporarily forgotten that it’s never too late to change their thoughts and, therefore, their ‘things.'”

It’s funny how the Universe likes to play ping-pong with us, trying to get us to slow down and pay attention. It bounces a ball toward us and  if we don’t “get it” and make an appropriate move, it repeats the same motion – only this time in a different direction. It behooves us to realize that we are being sent a message and stop in order to process what the message is. I can tell you from experience that if you don’t slow down (stop hurrying) and listen up, more “stuff” will be sent your way. It’s as if the Universe is realizing that it has to hit you over the head to get you to realize that you’re missing something.

When we feel calm, there should be no worry or fear. If you make vows to change your thoughts, then you’ll be able to slow down.  Remember the law of gestation, though. You have to realize that some changes take more time than others and there is not much you can do about that. But the one thing you have to do is NOT give up because whatever you’re looking for didn’t happen to come your way in the exact time frame you want. That’s where many people go wrong. They give up too soon. Your job is just to change your thoughts and keep your vibration on the right plane so matter how long it takes. Do NOT question the amount of time that seems to go by without the results you’re hoping for.

For the past almost 5 months now I have been focused on NOT being able to run. Even with my experience in metaphysics I didn’t realize what I was doing. First, I was creating more lack (lack of running ability) so, of course, my body couldn’t heal properly to get me back out there. Secondly, my inappropriate focus was bringing more problems that I couldn’t figure out. At least I was savvy enough to know that there was some message in all of this but for the life of me, I couldn’t figure out that message. Until this past week when many things seemed to come down at one time.

As a result of a very scary week, I finally realized that I was bringing all this stuff into my life. I also realized what’s important to me – helping other people is my main purpose in life. That can be done in several ways but I must concentrate on that. And since I want to be able to help others, I have to be healthy. So, I have to change my thoughts and feelings to align with health. I was not doing that. I was too “worried” and “impatient” about what WASN’T happening in my life.

Things change and I know that “everything always works out for me”. I just have to stop trying to be in control of everything (i.e. the timeline for my recovery). Always remember the Law of Gestation in conjunction with the Law of Attraction. People don’t usually talk about the other Universal Laws. That is a mistake. The Law of Attraction is not the only law. Everything has to be in concert when you’re working with the laws.

Is there anything going on in your life that is trying to send you a message? Have you stopped to figure out what that message is? Why don’t you try it – especially as we come toward the end of the year. What has happened in your life this year and what has it been trying to tell you?



I Want It & I Want It Yesterday

instant gratification2…. and the Law of Attraction says it’s out there but it hasn’t arrived yet. Therefore, the Law of Attraction doesn’t work for me!

I hear that over and over again (and as a result I post about it frequently too). Why is it so hard for people to believe that the Law of Attraction always works – all the good and the bad (remember that there really is no good or bad – that it’s all a matter of degree and the contrast shows us what we really want)?

Once you figure out what it is you really want and get specific about the details of that goal/desire (not how it’s going to be delivered), you make a statement that you want xxxxxx. You can now move on with your life and let it go. Your order has been placed and the Universe has created it an is ready to deliver it. But if you continually revisit and wonder if you did the right thing or if you need to do something different for it to arrive. You begin to question the Universe. You forget the Law of Gestation and you continually dig up the soil to see where the rose is. That will only keep the rose from growing and continually questioning or doubting will keep your “order” from being delivered.

Always remember that when you have placed your order (decided what you want), leave it alone. Don’t continually be thinking about it because that then focuses on your lack of it. That’s why I recommend you go to bed at night with the thoughts of how you feel – how you are healthy and how you are prosperous in every aspect of your life. Do NOT think about being healed = lack of health. Don’t focus on your bills being paid = lack of prosperity.

If something isn’t coming to you, then remember the Law of Gestation and let your desire go again. Tell yourself that the gestation period hasn’t completed yet. You can also examine whether or not you’re focusing on lack in any way. Are you thinking about your symptoms and fearing what they might mean? Are you focusing on the bills that are lying around. If you are, then the prosperity will not come to you because your attention is on the absence of what you want.


Don’t Revert to Worry Just Because You Think “It Doesn’t Work”

s332Frequently people give up too soon when they are trying to get what they have asked for. For some reason, people have decided when “long enough” is actually long enough. They have nothing to base that opinion on when it comes to manifestation and subsequent materialization. But despite that fact they still make their own decisions. We have talked about the Law of Gestation and how the Universe has its own time frames for delivering what you’ve asked for. However, I think it’s that we are so used to instant gratification and simply “expect” special delivery for everything.

This goes along with our recent discussion about not outlining or not telling the Universe HOW it should deliver what you’ve asked for. Same thing applies to telling the Universe WHEN it should be delivered to your doorstep. Determining WHEN you need it is also considered outlining.

Unfortunately when people stop believing something is going to come to them because it hasn’t arrived yet, they revert to thinking about the lack and absence of it – right back to where they were before they chose to believe it could actually happen. At that point, the concentration on not having received it yet puts you back into a position of low vibration – that of lack. This happens because you’re now thinking “I’ll never get this. I knew I wasn’t good enough or didn’t deserve it. The Law of Attraction may work for everyone else but not for me.”

What’s happened in that sentence (thought/feeling of disappointment and discouragement) is that you’ve begun to focus on the lack in worry2your life – again. So, you’re back to where you were to begin with but maybe a bit lower because you had some hope and then it seems as if the rug was pulled out from under your feet.

So what the heck should you do? Tell yourself that you were trying to beat the Law of Gestation and do a form of outlining (by adding the WHEN to the request). Realize that you have no business making those specific demands. Just believe that it will be delivered when it’s supposed to be delivered and it WILL be at the right time. Even though  you think you have a specific deadline, let’s say, to receive a certain amount of money, let that go and realize that if you’ve asked for the correct thing, you will have it in the right time frame. You may need to re-examine the way you’re asking for something. Maybe you won’t say “I want $5000.00 by 1 October 20xx”. Would this be as accurate but give more latitude to the Universe?: “I will have the mortgage payment taken care this month and every month”.  This allows the Universe find someone (or some way) to provide you who will pay the mortgage for you. Or maybe someone who will take care of other bills you have, providing you with your own money that could pay the mortgage. Perhaps you might get a great offer for refinancing your house. It is always possible that your mortgage company will allow you to take a month off for the payment. Anything is possible with the Universe if you just allow it to work. You are NOT in charge of the How or the When, just the What…and then you have be willing to accept whatever you’re brought knowing that it is part of your materialization even if it looks strange and doesn’t seem to “fit in with” your idea of how things should be. Remember that your view is limited. You only use a very small portion of your brain power so how could we possibly know the best way that the Universe should operate.

So, the silly song “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” is actually true. Don’t worry and don’t revert to the negativity or lack that you were mired in before you thought you’d try to change. Stay positive and remember that there are more governing rules in our lives than just the Law of Attraction. When something doesn’t seem to be working, there may be more to the story than you realize.

If you’ve had this experience or are having it right now, talk about it in the comment box and we’ll see if we can help.


Have faith in the Universe

Be Patient (Law of Gestation)

presenting_custom_software_box_15118Even though a woman might want to open her belly and check on her baby every few days (or even hours), she knows that that’s not how it works. There is a specific time frame that the baby needs to be in the womb growing and nurturing before it’s able to survive and materialize into what it’s supposed to be – a baby. She knows she has to wait approximately 9 months for everything to mature properly and if something happens that it’s sooner, sometimes extreme measures have to be taken to make sure the baby does well.

Why am I going on and on about babies? Because it’s the perfect example of the Law of Gestation.

Remember that we go through a few simple steps.

1) We ask for something. That’s easy and it’s why there is so much contrast in our life – we can see what we don’t want and then ask for what we do want.

2) The Universe delivers it. It’s immediately manifested. The Universe doesn’t know if it’s a fleeting thought or not. The Universe is just there to provide us with what we ask for.

3) We have to ALLOW it into our life – that, then, is materialization – when we can actually see and touch whatever it is we asked for. This is the most difficult part for us because we have evolved into creatures that want instant gratification.

There are two particular aspects of the Universal Laws that serve to protect us.

1) We don’t have enough wisdom so fortunately we don’t have the power to materialize everything we say immediately even if the Universe has manifested it – it has not been brought into our lives. A good example of this is this: A mother is outside and sees her sons playing way up in the top branches of a tree. The mother panics and screams for the kids to get down but this is what she says – “Get down from there or you’ll fall and break your neck”. Aren’t we glad at that point that we can’t immediately materialize what we say or think. If we had such power and ability the boys would fall and break their necks.

2) The Law of Gestation. It’s funny how we can accept this law in nature and other parts of life but not with ourselves. You wouldn’t plant a rose seed or an acorn and then the next day dig it up to see how it was doing or be upset that it hadn’t poked above the surface yet. You know that there is a specific time that the seed has to be buried and go through the various stages before this tiny little round object becomes a beautiful flowering plant.