Tuesdays With Terrie

tuesdays-with-terrie-cropped“What’s up Doc?” might be a better lead in for this week’s episode.

I’m two days away from the operating room.

Needless to say I’m worried. I have never used my favorite saying so much in my life. “Everything always works out for me” – over and over again.

I’ve also been using my favorite technique for reducing anxiety and fear – EFT (emotional freedom technique). Fortunately I worked with an EFT practitioner weekly for about 2-3 years so I know what to do and where to go with this. However, I’ve also made an appointment with another EFT practitioner I really respect to fine tune my tapping since when you’re in the middle of things, you can miss some key points. That’s my belief about coaching and an EFT practitioner is a coach.

A Coach helps you get where you need to go but you do the work and you provide the direction.

This past 2 weeks have been a whirlwind of thoughts, emotions and activity. I’ve had to prioritize my life and if others can’t deal with my decisions I just have hoped they would understand and get over it.

Just what I needed at work yesterday – someone got their feelings hurt because I told them to get out of my chair. Really? And I’m upset with myself for letting it bother me that that person is upset with me. Shows me that I really don’t have all my priorities straight.

“Everything always works out for me” – over and over again and again…ha ha. I can tease but it really is true and saying that and “Nothing and no one can interfere with my health and well-being, not even myself”. This is another important phrase in my vocabulary right now.

Remember that I’m a physician and I know what can go wrong. If I were to focus on those things, what would happen? I’d most likely attract that into my life and I surely don’t want that. So, I use these two statements to get my mind back on a better and higher plane and increase  my vibrations so that I set up the best possible environment and situation for myself.

Hopefully I’ll be out of the hospital in time to provide next week’s update. Take care for now.


Momentum Monday

momentum-monday1Practice what you preach they always say. And I needed to remember that this weekend.

I have been having some strange physical symptoms lately and yesterday they really got to me and I wasn’t doing anything but thinking about them and trying to diagnose myself (they say a patient who has himself as his doctor is a fool and I definitely fit into that category).  Even though, at times, I would remember the great saying “That which I feared greatly came upon me” and know that every minute of every day I’m creating my own reality, I still couldn’t seem to stop the momentum. But I didn’t even have the presence of mind to stop fighting that momentum and letting it run its course. So between the resistance I was putting out against these weird symptoms and trying to put the  brakes on this momentum, it was just getting worse.

Like a smack in the head while lying in bed I realized I had completely forgotten my toolbox – the various techniques that you can use to change your momentum or eliminate the resistance. Some tools work better than others – depending on the situation.

In my case last night, I remembered that I had not even thought about EFT (emotional freedom technique) which would remove the feelings of fear surrounding the symptoms and allow things to progress as they should and maybe even disappear. I do know that whenever you’re worried about something, the symptoms intensify and you get to the point where you’ve thought the worst is about to happen (or already has happened)! And you don’t want to be in that situation. You want to eliminate the fear and anxiety as soon as you can.

I used EFT last night and again today and just continued to say “everything always works out for me” and by mid-day the symptoms had lessened.

This week, write down the tools that are in your toolbox and put them on an index card that you can pull out and review when you’re feeling fear or anxiety.


Lisa Marie Keller on Chronic Fatigue and Exhaustion..and what you can do about it!

lisa marie kellerI had the pleasure of interviewing Lisa Marie Keller  and  was so excited to talk with her about her personal achievement in overcoming chronic fatigue and exhaustion (since the age of 14) and to listen to the various modalities she uses with people to guide them in their own accomplishments. It’s just another example of how the Law of Attraction works. Everything she talked about, except for one thing, I have have heard of and completely embrace – even from a medical standpoint! That’s amazing.

I encourage anyone who’s experiencing problems with chronic fatigue and exhaustion (or if you know someone who is) to listen to this interview and get a glimpse of how Lisa can help you.

She takes a very personal approach and works with people on an individual basis, tailoring plans and programs to your own needs – there is no “one fix for everything” as we medical folks frequently do – we try to fit everything into one box and if it doesn’t fit, then we don’t know what to do. But Lisa knows what to do. She is the perfect example of what I like to call Integrative Medicine – a combination of traditional and alternative medicine (to me, medicine is medicine and there really isn’t an alternative – what matters is what works without causing further harm).

She is truly amazing because she has many certifications and that knowledge is all incorporated into her plans for folks – most people who have these certifications specialize so that you have to find many providers (I’m talking about things like EFT, body work etc, not medical providers) but Lisa has leading edge certifications and is willing to work with you using all of them – whatever is right for you at the moment. She’s able to adjust as you adjust. Her own personal experience has helped her weed out what doesn’t work and concentrate on what does.

This was one of the very best interviews I’ve ever done and I highly recommend you listen and then visit Lisa’s website to see more about her programs!

Honoring Kay Christopher – Day #3 – Honor Someone Who Has Inspired You

page27_1 Do you know what EFT is? I didn’t for the longest time but I will tell you that it’s probably THE most important technique I’ve ever learned. And although I had tried it (actually that should read “dabbled in it”), I didn’t think I knew how to use it effectively. I did know that it was something that made me cry out of the clear blue sky one time when I was “tapping” along with a CD I had ordered on pain relief.  THAT really hit home with me but I still didn’t get into it as deeply as I should have – probably out of fear of the unknown and fear that I wasn’t doing it right (so the answer is to not do it at all right? NOT).

EFT is Emotional Freedom Technique or “Tapping” – it’s a form of energy medicine based on the meridians in your body (so based on ancient medical principles – the best kind there is that I’ve ever encountered). If you want to know more about what EFT is you can check out Gary Craig’s website (the founder of EFT).

But this is about another person who’s changed my life. She is  Kay Christopher – my EFT practitioner (I think that sounds weird to put “my” in front of that – like I could own someone but then again people say that Dr. so and so is “my” doctor so I guess it’s accepted..LOL).

I “met” Kay (on the phone) over 2 years ago kind of by accident. She used to be a therapist and I needed an evaluation before a surgical procedure I had so a friend recommended I ask her. This friend (who is also on my “Top 30” list so stay tuned) had told me about Kay’s doing EFT but since she lived in Austin I didn’t really see how I could do any of that “stuff” on the phone. But I called Kay to find out if she could do the other evaluation. She told me ‘no’ she didn’t do that any more. But since I had her on the phone and was anxious about the surgery I thought “what the heck” maybe I’ll see what this “phone EFT” is. So I made an appointment with her.

There was no looking back after that. I was hooked. And I began changing. Almost every week, Kay guided me through all the changes that were to come in my life. I had no idea so many changes were coming. I knew I wasn’t happy and that my life was actually quite a stick_figure_holding_letter_e_400_clr_7746 stick_figure_holding_letter_f_400_clr_7701 mess.  But it was a nebulous entity – I was so wrapped up in work and was working almost every hour of every day (still trying to cover for a doctor who had died in 2007 and also creating a new computer system stick_figure_holding_letter_t_400_clr_7742for our organization etc). My health was not good. I had no relationships outside of work (you need time for that). All my life equaled was work and I knew that at 62 years old I did NOT want that anymore.  And this was even before I met Dan.

EFT helped unblock the energy flow in my body (my description, not anything official). Although major changes happen each time you tap, there are so many layers of blockage that it’s like the proverbial onion that needs to be peeled back.

Kay worked with me every single week – patiently helping me uncover areas that I wanted to work on. So we’d tap and tap and tap and almost every week another change took place in me. She is such an expert at uncovering my problem areas and asking the correct questions to find out what I needed – probing questions which I didn’t always like but I trusted Kay enough to know that they were vital questions.

Would I have begun working with Dan last year without Kay – I’m not sure. It took courage for me to go to the gym and ask for help (it’s always been difficult for me to ask for help all my life – until I got into working with Kay) because I felt I wasn’t worth it or worth taking up his time. I would have been worried about the embarrassment of an old fart working out in front of all the other people there, etc.

Would I have started running again without Kay? I don’t know that either. I suspect I might not have for the same reasons. Fear – she has helped me conquer so much fear in so many areas of my life – many people keep telling me how much I’ve accomplished in my life – and I guess they are right but FEAR has held me back from achieving so much more.

Would I have had the courage to show up at Parvaneh’s events and then ask her if I could actually continue running with the folks of her caliber. NO, I would not have had that courage. I can say that flat out. Without tapping and Kay’s “unroofing” of my inner fears and conflicts I would NEVER have showed up at that first event. And if I had, I would never have gone back. For that alone I owe Kay so much. I cannot thank her sufficiently.

You may be saying to yourself – “well, that’s her job, after all Terrie you are paying her”. And yes, you’re right I am paying her. But you can pay alot of people and still not have them help you to such a great degree week after week after week. A lot of folks reach their limits in how they can help you but Kay has NEVER reached any limits (except maybe patience with me but she’s never mentioned it fortunately) – her experience and knowledge are boundless and I continue to be impressed weekly with her kindness, compassion as well as her brilliance.

Thank you Kay – without you  I don’t know where I would be today but it would definitely be in a very bad place.
