Although there are hundreds of affirmative statements you can use that will command good to appear, you should use definite declaration of command to meet definite needs.
For example: if your money supply is low or if your wallet seems empty, take it in your hands and declare aloud a number of times (in privacy, of course) “I bless you and bless you for the riches of God that are no being demonstrated in and through you”.
As you enjoy your meals, it is good to think statements of blessing and appreciation for them.
When you dress, it is good to think thoughts of appreciation and blessing for your clothing. “I give thanks that i am beautifully and appropriately clothed with the rich substance of God.”
For the perfect, beautiful, comfortable home “I give thanks that i am beautifully and appropriately housed with the rich substance of God.”
For the perfect transportation which every prosperous thinker should have “I give thanks that I am beautifully and appropriately transported with the rich substance of God.”
How about “I give thanks for ever-increasing health, youth, and beauty.”
Tape these around your house. The one about clothes can go on your closet door. The one about health and beauty can go in the mirror in your bathroom. Put on your pantry door “I rejoice in the bounty of God, constantly manifesting as overflowing supply here and now.”
Does this ring true – to keep down unnecessary phone calls which can be a real waste of time put this near your telephone “Divine order is now established and maintained. Harmony reigns supreme.”
It is good to begin the day with affirmative statements which help you gain control of your day. Try this “With praise and thanksgiving, I set the riches of God before me this day to guide, govern, protect and prosper me. All things needful are now provided. My rich good becomes visible today!”
Speak words of prosperity and success each day – this is a form of commanding it come forth – “My words are charged with prospering power.”
For increased income “I give thanks that my financial income now increases mightily through the direct action of God’s rich good.”
For the payment of bills, indebtedness, and financial obligations “I give thanks for the immediate, complete payment of all financial obligations, in God’s own wonderful way.”
For increase success along all lines “I give thanks that every day in every way I am growing richer and richer.”
Business people find this helpful for harmony in their homes and businesses “Let there be peace within my walls and prosperity within my palaces.”
Affirmations will only make your day better if done correctly. So, see what happens. Catherine Ponder’s words may sound old school but they work. I could change them to sound more modern but why mess with success.
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