Honoring Dr. Ally Jackson – Day #7 – Honor Someone Who Has Inspired You

277546989_640 Dr. Jackson is a key member of my “team”.  She has saved so many body parts for me since October of 2012 that I lost count! Her talent and her compassion and caring for her patients is beyond compare. I’m hoping you can see a pattern here about compassion and caring. Those are two key qualities that I look for in people in general and especially if I think they are inspirational.

Have you ever heard of AIRROSTI? I sure hadn’t heard of it. My trainer told me about it when he saw how messed up I was in the weeks before the New York City Marathon. So he recommended this to me with the caveat – “I understand it hurts like heck but it works”. But I was desperate enough I didn’t even care about the imposed pain at that point if I could figure out the cause of my internal pain. So I called and hoped for an appointment. I was fortunate enough to get this call back within an hour and got an appointment at another facility for the next day.

The first doctor I saw there said he was leaving in a week but introduced me to his successor – Dr. Jackson. He treated me and told me that at least I didn’t have a stress fracture (which was my big concern) and yes, it did “hurt like heck” (although I used another word at the time…LOL). So he made some follow-up appointments for me.

When I first saw Dr. Jackson her attitude and demeanor was so uplifting and exciting I almost forgot about the pain she was going to inflict (I said “almost” – ha ha).427552_10151344400325271_1499322490_a

As the days and weeks went along I became a frequent flyer at Dr. Jackson’s shop. She has always been able to help me physically and mentally. She emails me to see how I’m doing or how an event went. Where do you find that in a doctor nowadays?

Everything I’ve needed (physically, mentally, spiritually) she has provided just by smiling, listening and staying in touch. She cares about people.

The value of a doctor in our lives at this time in our lives is minimized. Mostly people just complain about us doctors – for almost any reason you can find they complain about their provider. Why is that? In the “old” days – the time that I wish I had been born in – when doctors were considered part of the family and were appreciated for whatever help they were able to provide. Now, it’s like taking your life in your hands by admitting you’re  a doctor.

When you think of Dr. Jackson, though, you don’t think of her in the way you think of most doctors. She is confident yet not conceited or egotistical. Her confidence shines in how she talks to you about your injury. But when she’s talking about YOU as a person or to YOU as a person, her radiance shines forth. Some people call it charisma and I would say that’s a great descriptor for her.

She is one of the most valuable members of my support team and she is someone I admire and want to emulate in my interactions with people. That’s the way she’s been inspirational for me!

Thanks so much to  Dr. Jackson and AIRROSTI!


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