Have you had those days where nothing seems to go right and you’re sure it’s a full moon? We all have experienced those days. Two things can happen. You can continue in the downward spiral toward a really, really bad day. Another option would be to make the most of what has happened and improve the day. Make that your mantra “Improve the Day” – we’ve all heard “seize the day”. We want to change it to improve our own day..and our life.
The primary reason you want to do this is so that you’ll not perpetuate the bad. You know that the Law of Attraction says “like attracts like”. You do not want the bad you’re dwelling on (as we all do) to attract more bad. You want to nip it in the bud and turn your day – and your life – around.
What’s the best way to deal with all that has happened on this day from you know where? Begin by declaring it good. Simply say “I declare it good. I see the good coming out of it and know that it will enrich my life more than I ever could have expected.” You can use any other affirmation that makes you feel good and tack it on to the end of “I declare it good and see the good coming out of this day”.
You want to do this with everything that happens in your life, no matter how small and no matter how bad things may seem. Don’t worry that you feel hypocritical or that you will be struck down for lying. If you say it often enough and with enough emotion, your subconscious mind will definitely believe it. Then, after you’ve had experiences like this several times, you won’t have to even think that you are trying to persuade your subconscious. By that time, you and it will have seen the good and know that that is the best way to deal with negative things.
What do you do if nothing good happens? First, you don’t say “see I knew it wasn’t going to work”. The reason for that is because you do not have any idea what timeline the Universe is on to bring you the good. Also, the good may be relative. I have a perfect example. When I was working in D.C. I lived 60 miles south of Washington, D.C. and had to travel on Interstate 95 which has horrible traffic. One day we had a sudden snow storm and I kept asking my boss if I could leave early to avoid the mess that was bound to occur in that storm. He wouldn’t let me go because we were in a meeting. I was upset. Then I remembered what I should do and kept saying “I declare it good and see the good coming out of it”. Of course there was doubt inside of me when it took me 8 hours to get home that day. But I kept saying “I declare it good”. And you know what? There had been a 100 car accident on the interstate (the reason for the long commute – no one could travel on the Interstate). If I had left when I wanted, there was a strong probability that I would have either been in that pile-up or stuck immediately behind it and been stranded in the cold for a much longer period of time. See how the “good” was relative. Yes, it took me 8 hours to get home but I got home safely and might not have had I left when I wanted.
The other thing you can do instead of sitting there trying to identify the good is to simply forget it and know that the Universe will actually bring you good. Because it will whether you ever see it or not. If you look back over your life, I imagine you’ll be able to see times when things happened that you couldn’t figure out but then you looked at the entire situation and had gratitude that things turned out the way they did. This could be regarding a relationship, a job, an event, or just about anything. Declare it good and it will be good.
This is just one of the hints discussed in The Art of Making Things Happen. Changing your life is within your power. You are not a victim and you are the one in control. You simply need to do some inner work to find out what has been holding you back. Then you can change it. Check out more about this self-study course at The Art of Making Things Happen.
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