I Just Have To Say This….

shout_from_roof_400_clr_2270I simply have the urge to shout this from the rooftop…I am so very grateful for the life I have.

I had parents who loved me and cared for me and ensured that I got to go to medical school despite having to sacrifice so much. Even if I didn’t understand at the time how much they loved me, I surely do now.

I have a great brother who has come back into my life and I finally feel that connection again. After all, I would have quit pursuing my goal of becoming a doctor had he not talked some sense into me (probably the only time anyone else did).

I have had a great career and “by chance” ended up in the Navy – the best decision of my life – even if my choice was based on the fact they had the nicest uniforms of the services (hey, what did I know and the recruiters never tell you the whole story). My 30 year career in the Navy shaped my life and provided me with friends and leaders and experiences I would never had had in the civilian world. And that career enabled me to have the job I have now.

I have terrific friends and have had many others that someday I might hook up with again.

I have had great health. And the infirmities that I possess have taught me tolerance and understanding for others who might need my help and guidance some day. For that I can’t thank the universe enough.

I have lived in terrific places and currently have the best neighbors anyone could ever ask for! How wonderful is that.

I have been blessed with 4 siberian huskies over the past 26 years and have loved them and been loved by them in ways only a pet lover can understand. They were my children.

I have a hobby that I love (running – even though I can’t right now) and through that hobby I have met so many wonderful people and done things I didn’t think I could do.

I was exposed to metaphysics in 1985 or 1986 and realized that all I believed in had a name (metaphysics) and since then I have explored it in so many ways.

I have had prosperity and abundance in my own way and as such have been able to help others and for that I am immensely grateful.

This past year I have had the pleasure of working for a boss who taught me more than anyone else in my 66 years. For that I cannot thank her enough.

I am not poetic but I wanted to publicly proclaim my gratitude. The Law of Attraction has been very good to me even when I didn’t know what it was – ha! Life has been good to me and all of you who are reading this have been really, really good to me and I thank you all for being in my life!


Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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4 thoughts on “I Just Have To Say This….

    • Charysse – you are such a great supporter and I appreciate all you’ve brought into my life too! Thank you for being there.

  1. Well said Commander!! It sounds like you have had a great life full of incredible experiences and many many blessings. Never stop living, just keep going. You still have a lot of life left.

    Your friend, Bill Liddle