Here’s a different concept but one that makes great sense to me.
It’s from Stephen Covey’s “7 Habits of Highly Effective People”.
We’ve talked about establishing goals but we never divided up the different parts of our life with mission statements. This might help us with establishing priorities in goals as well as realizing what we are ignoring that we shouldn’t ignore. It also will point out areas that we need to address with more gratitude. It will help you figure out where there is and isn’t balance in your life.
For instance, maybe you’re a boss, a mother, a girlfriend to other women, a church member, a volunteer, a club member, a PTA member, part of your Home Owners Association, a mentor, etc.
List each part of your life as a role.
Write out a mission statement for each of your roles. What are your responsibilities and desires for each of these roles. Be specific (in everything we do, you have to be specific). Then go ahead and see how well you’re “making it” in each role. If you’re not achieving or reaching what you expect, then what can you do about it. For example, right now my life is focused on this computer project at work. We have about 3 weeks to go but then there’s training after it. It’s consuming most of my life. It’s out of balance. What is losing time and attention is my fitness and my dog. However, now that I am back from two weeks in Colorado I am refocusing my life on my dog and the role I have set out for my life with her. This is very basic but hopefully it will give you an idea.
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