Practice what you preach they always say. And I needed to remember that this weekend.
I have been having some strange physical symptoms lately and yesterday they really got to me and I wasn’t doing anything but thinking about them and trying to diagnose myself (they say a patient who has himself as his doctor is a fool and I definitely fit into that category). Even though, at times, I would remember the great saying “That which I feared greatly came upon me” and know that every minute of every day I’m creating my own reality, I still couldn’t seem to stop the momentum. But I didn’t even have the presence of mind to stop fighting that momentum and letting it run its course. So between the resistance I was putting out against these weird symptoms and trying to put the brakes on this momentum, it was just getting worse.
Like a smack in the head while lying in bed I realized I had completely forgotten my toolbox – the various techniques that you can use to change your momentum or eliminate the resistance. Some tools work better than others – depending on the situation.
In my case last night, I remembered that I had not even thought about EFT (emotional freedom technique) which would remove the feelings of fear surrounding the symptoms and allow things to progress as they should and maybe even disappear. I do know that whenever you’re worried about something, the symptoms intensify and you get to the point where you’ve thought the worst is about to happen (or already has happened)! And you don’t want to be in that situation. You want to eliminate the fear and anxiety as soon as you can.
I used EFT last night and again today and just continued to say “everything always works out for me” and by mid-day the symptoms had lessened.
This week, write down the tools that are in your toolbox and put them on an index card that you can pull out and review when you’re feeling fear or anxiety.
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