“As you proceed in using the Law of Attraction, you will find that it becomes easier and easier to guide your thoughts into ones that benefit your life.” ~Dr. Steve G. Jones
I have found that this is so true. The more I think about the good things that have come into my life, the easier it is to think about good things – and therefore raise my vibrations.
If you cherish every little thing that happens to you and even declare everything good no matter what it seems on the surface, you will attract more and more good to you.
You never know what will come of things so it’s a great idea to be grateful for everything. I remember the run I did the weekend before Thanksgiving. It was a 72 hour run and I was poorly trained due to circumstances left from last summer. It was night and I was having trouble with my vision. So, all in all, it was becoming more difficult for me to stay positive. Then, along came a very nice young man who said “are you Terrie?” I replied that I was. He then told me that one of my blog posts, “Life is like an ultramarathon” really helped him prepare for things and for that race and he was grateful. It’s interesting because I go along and continue to post things but never know if anyone ever reads them. This young man made my whole weekend with just a few words. I’m sure he didn’t realize the impact of saying them but it was a remarkable moment in my life. And if I had not been out there at that point, I would have missed it. I thanked the Universe several times that weekend for that interaction as well as many others.
Refresh your “Kodak moments” for the coming year and whenever you seem to drift away from the good and the gratitude for life, pull them out and focus on one of them. This is sure to lift your vibration and set your momentum back on the path you want – one of positive emanation. That will lead to quicker manifestations and materializations.
Enjoy your week!
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