Momentum Monday


Your World

I had this concept hammered into my head this past week. It’s so important to simply do something. I am an expert at procrastination – I think I should say I HAVE BEEN an expert at procrastination and I CHOOSE to change that right now.

I was impressed with how much action I need to take but also impressed with the results that may occur when I stop procrastinating.  I can sit and watch life go by or I can spend my time doing things that are profitable to me. I’m not just talking about profitable in regards to money but I mean profitable in everything in life – relationships, love, happiness, fitness etc. ANYTHING that I would like to have more of is something I will work at.

What are you going to do to shape your own world? Or are you just going to sit around and let things happen around you? I’m not. Join me in making a change today! Let me know what you’re going to do?


Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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