So how far have you gotten in writing your 2016 script for your life?
Have you defined what it is you want for the upcoming year? In this previous post we discussed taking an inventory of your 2015 life and what you were happy with and what you weren’t. You’ve also identified themes and should be able to see the ‘what ifs’ and how the Law of Attraction came into play in your 2015 life.
Once you’ve taken the inventory, you’ll have created some idea of what you want to happen in 2016. You can call these goals if you want although I don’t encourage that. The word “goals” has too short lived a life for me. It’s a term that’s thrown around willy nilly these days. I would rather you talk about your plan or even better – your script for 2016. The word “script” more accurately defines it too because you will actually be writing down what you want to happen.
So for this section of 2016 preparation you take out a pen and paper (or computer). You can write down themes you want to see in your life next year based on what you’ve reviewed for 2015. Maybe you want more of what you’ve already gotten and maybe you want the opposite. Perhaps you want to go down a completely different route.
- Put one theme on each page (work, family, relationship, work, love, money, health, etc). Put the header at the top.
- In the first part put the title – e.g. “I am healthy and whole and happy – my body is a fine tuned machine” or “I enjoy going to work every day and each day is very rewarding at work. I influence others in so many different ways. And I receive a promotion.” or “I have found the love of my life.” or “I have more time for things I really want to do, things that make a difference in the world”. Write things as specific as you can but remember that this is the title (the end result so to speak). You will be putting plenty of the details in the script. Remember to use the present tense and also positive words or phrases.
- Start writing about your success and even how you get there. Let’s use my coaching program as an example. “My website is up and running and I add content twice a week. I have installed a membership site for clients. I hold weekly webinars to explain to people what mind-body-nutrition and eating psychology are. I advertise on Facebook and ask my friends and Getting Unstuck, LLC readers to spread the word. I offer intro sessions for people. I have an ongoing support/mastermind class that starts at the beginning of January where people who have joined can get support and information in a weekly call. I book clients every weekend (and am able to coordinate these calls with my running events). By the end of 2016 I have an income of $xxxx from Dynamic Eating Psychology Coaching.” Now, in my own journal there were be many more details but see how I am getting specific about my website and Facebook and even the days of the week I do my coaching. You just simply write out what it is you want to happen.
- Do this for each theme. If you are tired, don’t write. You are likely to rush through it and not get the details down that you want. Write when you’re rested and feeling as positive as possible.
- You can edit and add to or delete from any theme at anytime you want.
- Reread these themes at least weekly.
- Review them monthly and edit where needed.
- Record your progress monthly as well.
The most important thing is to get started. Writing down what you want will get the Universe working in your favor and will get your vibrations heading toward the up and up.
Take some time to do this now. Don’t go into 2016 not knowing the specifics of what you want that year to bring. And don’t rely on New Years Resolutions. You know how those work.
Good luck and get started NOW!
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