Are you using this phrase? Do you deny it when you hear others use it? You should be denying it all the time..
Are you using this phrase? Do you deny it when you hear others use it? You should be denying it all the time..
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.
This is awesome, Terrie! Thank you for putting a new way of thinking about money out there for the world to hear! After being interviewed by you, it’s a joy to see you on video. You’re a lot braver than me. I’m not quite ready to appear on camera. 🙂
Is this the blog you’ll be using for the 30-day challenge?
thanks – i decided i had to be brave and it’s fun if i don’t think about it. This is my business and my life so i want to see if I can get information out to as many people as possible in whatever way i can. I really enjoy doing it too, especially when great people like you stop by and are so supportive.