Wednesday Wisdom – What is Beautiful?

tumblr_mqu62cQwGt1qitvdso1_400I couldn’t resist posting this today. As you know I’m training for this really long run in July in Tennessee and I’m in one of those “discouraged” sections of the training. When you couple that with the fatigue, it doesn’t make for a pretty picture.

But when I got up this morning I had an email from one of the people who has been most supportive to me on this endeavor. So I had to write about this. Although this person is also “beautiful” on the outside, the most important beauty is internal. Just a supportive email, a text, a phone call – think about what you can do to help others feel good today.

I should save this for a Momentum Monday but I just had to remind everyone that the beauty is deep within.

I also remind you that what you do for others may never be shown to you. But it’s important. To say a word, just to acknowledge them – call them by their name – you never know when that will make a significant difference in how they feel. You hear stories all the time about how such a small action will prevent someone from carrying out a suicidal plan they had.

I read once about someone who waved at everyone and when asked why, he said that he  had once met someone who told him that had he not spoken to him, he would have killed himself. So now, he waved to everyone “just in case”.

Who has touched you today and more importantly, who can you touch? Let us know in the comment box.


Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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