Momentum Monday


Your choices of action may be limited—but your choices of thought are not.


Excerpted from the workshop: Chicago, IL on May 25, 2002

Remember this short sentence this week! It’s so powerful. This is what has gotten many POWs through their long periods of captivity – knowing that they can think whatever they choose to think even if they are confined to a very small space.

I would bet that you’re not confined to that small a space right now. I would also bet that sometimes thoughts pop into your head and you just let them sit there and continue on even if they aren’t generating the nice feelings you would like to have right now. Remember that you can control and change those thoughts. Pull from your memory (your Kodak Moments) or create new memories – write your beautiful story in your head.

For example, two weeks before my Tennessee race I dragged my weary body out the door to do a run after doing back to back long runs 2 days prior. I didn’t want to be out there but I had to be. So, instead of thinking about how much I didn’t want to be there, I changed my thoughts to how great it was going to feel when I was doing the event since I had prepared so well. I immediately had more energy whereas I was just barely able to lift my feet a few minutes before. The power of your thoughts is phenomenal.  The better part is that YOU can control them and you are the King or Queen of your own thoughts.

So, now what are you going to do about this. Even if things seem down and out externally, you can still feel good and think other thoughts that make you feel better. Once you start to feel better, your vibration raises and your momentum starts going in the direction you want it to. Then, lo and behold, you will be much more capable of finding solutions rather than focusing on problems.

This week just remember that YOU ARE IN CONTROL! Stop yourself then restart yourself.  Put the thoughts you want into your head. Try it for this week and see where it gets you. Let us know in the comment box.


Momentum Monday


tumblr_mr7bdsqhMT1qitvdso1_400You’ve heard “Don’t worry, be happy”?

That’s truer than you realize even though it seems very simplistic and “cute”.

This week try catching yourself whenever you start to worry. Pull up one of your “Kodak Moments” we’ve been creating (or recalling) over the past several months. Stop that worry in its tracks. But, since sometimes people have difficulty letting go of things, remind yourself that you’re just doing this for “today” or “this week” if you’re brave. Remember it’s one step at a time. Take this the same way.

But look at what this picture is telling you – why would you want to destroy any possible  happiness you can be having today by worrying about something that might not happen. It most likely WILL happen though, if you continue to focus on it (that’s the Law of Attraction working quite well in your life even if you don’t believe it is).

So, by not worrying today you accomplish at least two things. You divert your emotions/vibrations from the “lack” that you were going to worry about and possibly prevent it from coming. You also ruin your vibrations for right now and get your momentum started in the wrong direction. By the time you’re realizing it, your car will be at the bottom of the hill and the momentum will NOT be able to be stopped. Try stopping it at the top of the hill. Then you can change the direction of your momentum easily. That’s what we’re aiming for when we want you to stop worrying about tomorrow as soon as you recognize that’s what you’re doing.

Try it, you’ll like it. Let us know how it’s going or ask questions about the best way to do this.


Momentum Monday

momentum-monday1Start your week off right!

I have had to really practice what I preach last week. And it was not easy. The Friday before my momentum had plummeted downward because I let something at work affect me. I should have just accepted it and moved on but I chose the harder way. Perhaps I made that choice so I could see how out of sorts it made me feel – so I could value positive momentum more. I don’t know why I chose that path but it pretty much continued the whole week and I was NOT on a high-flying disc.

So, yesterday while on a miserable 20 mile run (things just didn’t feel right from the moment I opened the door and saw the rain), I made up my mind that I had let that momentum run out and that I was going to start on a new path this week. I started on the run and began to look at things that were along the way and notice how beautiful they were and what they represented (nature, invention, progress, love, convenience, etc). I kept repeating one of my mantras – I control my mood. That is such a great thought – there really is something I can control (and you can too). Look at the Prisoners of War who survived years of captivity and torture. It was all about their attitude and mood.

I am happy to be here and be able to do the things I want to do and I know I’m very blessed. Who knows what the next moment will bring. I am making every attempt to “live in the moment”, to live in the “now” as much as I can. That has become so important to me. It’s no longer all about the ultimate outcome, but about the journey. I’ve always “known” that intellectually but now I realize it is the way to live. Enjoy everything that happens (even the bad momentum happenings).

I know I’ve been on this kick for awhile but the last 7 months of my life have brought it to the forefront of my life and I want to live every moment in joy. Even on “miserable” training runs. I can count my blessings and know what those blessings have given me.

Join me in this new adventure. Don’t shoot for the moon but enjoy feeling whatever and wherever you are right this minute.


What You Give Out Is What You Get Back

BoomerangWhat a delightful day today was. Every month for the past 10 years I’ve had a pest service. San Antonio is one buggy place and bugs are NOT my favorite living beings.

I’ve had the pleasure of having three different guys service my property over this period of time. The first guy was very knowledgeable but unbelievably negative. I got to the point where I dreaded the day the pest man came to my house every month. Even when I tried to avoid discussing anything with him, he would follow me around telling me his troubles and woes. I even did something I don’t normally do. I gave him one of my “As a Man Thinketh” books and talked to him about it. It was like talking to my Siberian Husky though. She was as stubborn as this man was.

Finally after about 7 or 8 years he left the company and went to another job. At that point I got to know one of the sons of the manager. Nick was such a joy and was always happy and pleasant and full of life and joy, no matter what happened. It was terrific and I looked forward to his visit every month. But, Nick wanted to serve so he joined the Army about 7 months ago.

Next on the list was his older brother Andrew, another charming reflection of his dad.  Nick, Andrew and their dad are wonderful people and always joyful no matter what else might be going on in their lives. I am honored to know them.

Today Nick graduated from his school in the Army and will be going to Ft Hood (near home). Andrew was more talkative than ever and it was such a refreshing experience chatting with him. He told me how he always meant to serve the people whose houses he visited. That he looked on his job as one that was to make folks feel good, not for him to make a million dollars. He talked about all the things he had taught his little brother, Nick and had tried to show him what was important in life to look at. As he talked, I noticed that he kept referring to what people “do” or what they “are”, never about what they “had”. That is the mark of a true human being – even at his young age, he recognized that the important thing in life is what’s inside a person and what you reflect outwards to try to help other people, NOT what you achieve.

Even though he didn’t know it, he was emanating an extremely high vibration and was on those high flying discs (his momentum was phenomenal and as he talked, you could actually see the 68 second rule in action – even without him knowing it). He smiled, was animated and kept talking about the good he could do other people just by being friendly and looking to extract the good about any circumstance that you run into. We then talked about Russell H. Conwell’s “Acres of Diamonds” – a man was very happy and content with what he had until he learned of the existence of something called a diamond. At that point, the man became despondent and felt poor – although nothing had actually changed in his life. He wanted to be “rich” by finding diamonds. So he left his home and his family in search of richness (diamonds), only to never find any and subsequently ended his life.  The man who took over his property was digging in the ground one day and found a diamond  – right under his nose. This turned out to be the most proliferative diamond mind ever. Riches were right under this other man’s nose – right there for him to look at. Don’t look elsewhere. Find the gold and riches in your life as it is right now.

One way you do that is by giving out what you wish to receive. But don’t give out joy and pleasure “just so” you can get it back. You have to blossom with happiness, goodness and joy for the sake of those qualities and what they will do for another person. If you make it your goal to serve others and treat them well, you will have it made in life. Think about just saying hi to someone, just smiling, just waving to people even if you don’t know them. You never know what’s going on in someone’s life that you might be helping them. You might even save them from ending their life if they realize that there are people out there that care. Can you imagine how wonderful that would be?

Make your vibration and your momentum be a boomerang. Send forth goodness and it will definitely return to you.

What good thing, no matter how small, can you do today? Tell us about it in the comment box below. What gold is in your life that is covered up? What can you find in your own backyard? Look where you are and love where you are!

If you need anything, just let us know, too.


Momentum Monday


“What separates people that get what they want out of life from those people who do not get what they want out of life is their response to challenges.”
Dr. Steven G. Jones

Although I don’t believe this is the only thing that separates these two groups of people, it’s an extremely important point.

Think about yourself and how you respond to a challenge. Do you crawl up in a ball and want to die? Sometimes that’s ok initially. What’s not productive is when that behavior or thought process continues on and on and on. Do you get mad and decide that this is not going to beat you? That you’ll find a way to conquer the challenge, to climb up and over whatever obstacle is in your way? That is the way of the warrior, the person who excels at life.

Remember that there are two different vibrations at play when you are confronted with a problem. There is the vibration of the problem and if you continue to think about the “problem”, you will stay on that lower vibration and not move anywhere – you are focusing on the problem so that is what you’ll get more of. Maybe the problem won’t get worse but it won’t get any better either when your vibration remains on the problem.

You have to raise your vibration to the level of the solution – a much higher vibration. Instead of thinking about and focusing on the problem, concentrate on the solution. Tell the Universe you are ready to receive the answer and you know that it’s out there waiting to be delivered to you.

Think back to your past and think about when you’ve discovered a solution to something – what have you felt like when you’ve been in the process? Maybe take a look at a time at work when a problem has been identified. Everyone might respond with “oh nuts, what do we do now?” But then you all got your heads together and brainstormed until you figured it out. What kind of elation did you all feel? Use that as  “Kodak Moment” to elevate your vibration when you’re after a solution to your current problem.

I don’t even use the word problem once I’ve identified what it is. I think about how great it’s going to be when I come up with the solution to x, y, z – describing the situation if I must. Or preferably I use something that’s brief but objectively describes the situation. Then I go right back to looking for the solutions – opening my heart and mind to the Universe to deliver the answer to me.  I use some of the processes we’ve talked about – the 68 second process, rampage of appreciation and even the “wouldn’t it be nice if….”.  If you’re skeptical or it’s the first time, you can use “I’m in the process of….”

Next time you come across a challenge, immediately switch to the solution seeking mode and your vibration will automatically elevate with you! Try it, you’ll like it. Don’t dwell on the problem.  Move out and move up!
