Influential Laws/Beliefs That Govern Your Life – Part 4

rule 4Law of Deliberate Change

This is a deliberate intent to select a belief system you no longer with to have and change it through denial and affirmation to one you choose to believe!

The deliberate intent is when you say “I don’t want to believe that anymore”. It has nothing to do with truth or what you believe to be truth, accuracy or what you believe to be accurate, what somebody told you, or what you read in the newspaper. Those don’t count.

Anything that needs to be changed is anything you believe puts a limitation on you. If it’s limiting, it’s not true and it should be changed.

This is the law that removes any or all limitations.

If you have a feeling or belief you want to change, look at it as “where was your authority on this? Who was your authority and how accurate could they be?”

For example, if you wanted to do some investing and didn’t think you could do them well, the stock market wasn’t good and you asked your uncle. He was in poverty and people had to subsidize him. He’s NOT a good one to ask.

Get your feelings out of the way and say “that is not my truth. I do not believe I am going to be limited in any way for investments. I will have all knowledge and all understanding.

Then do your denials and say “My truth is not to lose money in the stock market. My truth is always to earn money in the way I have chosen.”

Then you use some wisdom and understanding. “Reveal to me the person who can help me the most with good, positive, productive, wealthy investments”.

You are setting yourself up to bring in the Law of Attraction. Create in your mind the person who can help you the most. You can say things like “I no longer choose to believe this.” If you know who your authority was, you can say “my authority was not accurate.” Most of our beliefs come from someone else’s opinion. Opinions don’t count. Statistics don’t count. None of these things count when you’re working with spiritual substance.

Any limitation can be removed by recognizing that you have the power and understanding to realign your subconscious with success rather than limitation.

You start off using denials and affirmations to change that belief system. Say that your authority was not accurate and you will not be limited by someone else’s opinion. If you keep emphasizing that they were someone else’s opinion, you realize they are based on what people think and what they were told. They can come down through the generations.

Use this anytime someone says you can’t, you shouldn’t, you don’t know enough about it. Anytime someone gives you the steps you have to take. You can eliminate some of the steps.

Use it anytime you feel insecure. Anytime you feel afraid. Anytime you feel uneasy about your next steps. Anytime you believe something is difficult.

The Law of Deliberate Change comes into play when you simply say “I do not choose to believe this any longer. What I believe is that all things are possible because I say so.” You finally realize you can do something about your own life. You are not just a puppet.


Influential Laws/Beliefs That Govern Your Life – Part 3

rule 3Law of Cause and Effect

You will go over these first three laws repeatedly since things will continue to come up in your life.

Each time you can let one go and say “who’s my authority on that one?” The authority was not that important and gave you information that wasn’t accurate. This will allow you to release any limiting acts or events going on in your life.

The Law of Cause and Effect is simply what you give out comes back. It’s been said in many different ways including even “what goes around comes around.”.

The more you can give, the more generous you can be, the more generous people come into your life. The more you can praise and appreciate, the more you can receive praise and appreciation. The more glory you give others, the more that other people will give to you.

It’s merely giving out what you want to come back to you.

You have to beware, however, of what you might be thinking behind the praise and appreciation you’re giving out. For example, if you’re thinking that someone who is seemingly nice to you may not be being sincere or that you can’t trust them, then this is a belief you want to work on to eliminate. It’s good that it surfaced and you can recognize it and then deal with releasing/changing it. Your return will be affected by what you’re believing at that moment in time. If you have a contradiction that says “but it takes a long time to get this back”, then it will take a long time.

You want to be correcting these limiting thoughts and events in your life. There are no limitations in the Universe. The only limitation is your fears, your anxieties and your frustrations.

You have to put out what you want back. If you want praise and appreciation, you have to give it. If you want money, you have to be putting out money. You have to have a generous spirit, a generous soul, in order to put out the kind of income that you want back.

The more you have things happen, the more you believe it. You believe the possibility that’s working in and through you. It’s a feeling you get. Remember how important feelings are!

The more you work with it, the quicker it comes. If it’s not working, you have to look for the limiting beliefs that are keeping the manifestation from arriving at your door.

Every time something comes up that you feel lack or limitation about or somebody is interfering with you or you’re feeling critical about something or condemning someone, you have to ask “where is this coming from? Who is my authority on this?”

If you begin to sense that there’s a problem, use an affirmation like “reveal the truth to me. What’s going on?” Try to offset any problems by saying “Let the truth be revealed” at the first inkling of any possible issue. Say “Show me what it is that’s going on. Show me what I’m supposed to be doing about it. Reveal it to me.”

When you review your situation and sense problems, say “Okay, if I sense or feel or see something that seems to be chaos, I’ll let it go. I release and let go of all people who have completed their divine plan in my life.”

Also consider what drew that person to you. All the things you believe in and your feelings, anxieties and frustrations are also attracting people to you during this time. You want to recognize this because as you get rid of that situation inside of you or a belief you have, then that type of person stops coming in.

This is a big key to getting out of chaos so that everyone who comes into your life is there for the purpose of being a blessing to you, for you, and through you.

Once you know these three laws, then you know why things are happening in your life. And, you know how to change them. If you don’t work through and understand all of these three laws, you’ll be giving out something but not understand why it’s not coming back (if you’re concentrating only on the Law of Cause and Effect – many people start there and do not bother with the first two laws which are vital for understanding the entire process). If you’re not getting something back that you’re giving out, it’s because you have these “preventions” inside that come from an earlier time and you haven’t released them.

You continue to say “how does this affect me? How does this belief affect me?”

Any time you begin to believe in any gossip or rumors you hear, believe in the radio, the telephone, rumor mongers, politicians, if you believe what they’re saying is the absolute truth, remember that everything everybody says is filtered in some way through their opinions.

You can practice by listening to the news and learning to counter it. If you hear there were 5,000 people killed in some tragedy somewhere, then you say “oh, but 30,000 were saved!” You begin to see the good in it. You want to learn to look for the good in something. You want to look for the goodness in people. Come up with anything, no matter how silly it may seem, to put yourself in a different frame of mind. You learn to practice the presence of being good and declaring the things that are good in your life.

I suggest you go back and review these first three laws now and start working with them. The others are important but these three are ones you will use almost daily, especially initially.


Influential Laws/Beliefs That Govern Your Life – Part 2

rule 2Law of Mind Action

This is step two in the process of understanding the Spiritual Laws.

Deliberately change a belief system. Do this through denials and affirmations or even consider EFT or other clearing techniques that people teach.

You can get rid of the garbage that we don’t want by saying “That is not my truth. I do not choose to believe that any longer. It is limiting to me. I know that the only thing that limits me is my beliefs about myself.”

For example – my parents won’t let me change he way I think – that is not a true statement. You may believe it. They may have a lot of sway over you. They may have lots of thoughts that they have put in your head. But nobody can control your thinking. You can change your thinking without even realizing it, which will also change your attitude and perspective on things. It gives you greater possibilities of things you can do and things you want to do.

It goes back to how much we want to accept as our responsibility, what we want to do versus what someone else has told us we can do or should do.

Take a phrase such as “You’re a woman so you can’t make a lot of money”. Analyze it. Then ask:

  • “What does that have to do with it?”
  • “Who’s my authority on that?”
  • “My mother?”
  • “Did my mother work?”
  • “Did she really know what was going on in the work force?”
  • “Did she have the capabilities?”
  • “Was she a woman of the age that she was supposed to stay home and be barefoot and pregnant all the time?”

When you begin to evaluate this you say “No, that’s not the way I live. That’s not what I am. I have more. I have more thoughts. I have more opportunities.” Begin to make that change in your awareness.

Any time something comes up which gives you a feeling of lack or limitation in your life, or something that is hard to do or somebody’s interfering with your accomplishment, use a denial on it.

“That’s not my truth. Nobody can interfere with me. Nobody can interfere with my success but me. Nobody can interfere with my ideas, my thoughts, my intelligence.”

You don’t necessarily have to wait for something “bad” to happen in your life to use denials. Look at your life and see what has not worked. Have you had anything in your life that didn’t work, that you’d like to improve? What’s in your past that represents lack, limitation or difficulty. That’s how you identify a problem. Do I believe it’s OK for me to have money? Do I believe that I can have good relationships in my life? If I’ve been married 16 times, whose problem is that?

Identify 3-5 people in your life and identify the best thigns about those people. The ones they like – what are their characteristics? This is what we want to set our goals toward. That gives us an identity.

Then Identify 5 people you dislike the most. What qualities do you dislike? These are goign to be things you want to look at and clear from yourself. If it’s being late and you don’t like that say “I am never late. This is not in my consciousness. Therefore, I do not attract to me people who are late.” Follow that with “I always attract people who are on time”. You’ll find that the less you let it bother you, the more productive you are at finding people who are in agreement with what you believe/like.

What is limiting in you? What causes you unhappiness?

  • “I know who I am and I know where I’m going” – this is to counter the negative affirmations we’ve made (I don’t know where I’m going in life, for example).
  • “I have a strong immune system. I am never sick. I never get sick.” This counters all the TV ads about the “cold and flu season” which are bombarding your subconscious and priming it to get sick.
  • “I always have money to meet everything I need to do.”
  • “Nothing and nobody can interfere with me, not even myself”.

Continue to examine your thoughts and words – look for contradictions like “I want to be successful but I don’t know if I’m willing to take the time and effort to do it.”

Recognition/awareness is the key. Who was your authority? If you recognize that that person infused you with these ideas, you can clear many limiting beliefs at one time.

Take this action now:

  • Write down what’s been working for you in your life
  • Write down what hasn’t been working for you
    • – Identify 3-5 people you admire
  • Write down the qualities they have that you wish you had (or had more of)
    • – Identify 3-5 people you don’t like
  • Write down the characteristics they exhibit that you don’t want to have in your life – either in your personality or around you
  • Create denials/affirmations such as “there is no poverty in my life. I am prosperous and abundant”, “There is no impatience in my life. I have patience whenever needed but my life is such that I never even need to exercise patience”, etc
  • Write these denials/affirmations down and say them at least twice a day (preferably three times).
  • Start journaling and see what changes in your life.


Influential Laws/Beliefs That Govern Your Life – Part 1

rule 1The Law of Consciousness

This is the first law – The Law of Consciousness.

Law of Consciousness

You are everything that you have ever read, heard on the radio or television, in school, read in encyclopedias or heard from your parents or siblings.

Siblings tell you things to scare you.

Ministers tell you things about your life and you may no longer believe in those things.

Much of what you’ve been told is made of old wives tales too or research has changed the validity of those beliefs. You can have beliefs in you that are completely invalid right now.

Maybe you were told you had to work hard to get anywhere. That might have set you up for failure or for hard work or maybe even both because you believe you can’t get anywhere unless you’re working 14 or 16 hours a day (or more).

What about concepts like:

  • “You have to have an education to get anywhere”
  • “Girls can’t do that”
  • “You’re just like your ____ (fill in the blank)”
  •  You’re told what our health is going to be like. “This or that runs in our family”.

Your subconscious is like a garbage dump. It holds everything – the good and not so good. It holds the bad, the angry, the hostile, all of your opinions and the opinions that were given to you.

Once you start giving up just a few of these beliefs, you’ll be amazed at the changes you’ll see happening in your life.

You are like an onion, though, and have to work down to the deepest beliefs by peeling the onion. You have to examine each belief that pops up and decide whether to keep it or discard it.

If you have chaos in your life, then you have thoughts that are out of harmony with something you want to do. Chaos here means things you don’t want are in your life. You’ve let fear take over. You’ve let anger take over or you’ve condemned or criticized. By the way, the word “problem” is quite acceptable and is not negative because there always is a solution!

Don’t dwell on your mistakes or what you could have or should have done. That just activates the Law of Attraction to bring you more chaos and you don’t get out of that downward spiral.

You have to be careful about what you’re looking at and what you’re asking for. For example there are people who say they want to lose weight no matter what it takes. Our culture has the vision of people who are critically or terminally ill looking scrawny and emaciated. If you don’t qualify what you’re asking for (do not put “whatever it takes”), you might actually get the result you’re asking for but with dire consequences – you’ll lose the weight but be very, very sick.

I’ve done this and caught myself when I’ve said I’d really like to retire. I have to be careful to qualify this and say something like “regular” retirement so that it eliminates the possibility of requiring a medical retirement. If I just ask the Universe to help me retire, then it will take the easiest way out – and that might actually be the medical route. I surely do NOT want that.

So, you have all these beliefs in our “garbage dump” (the subconscious) and your job is to weed out what is valid and what you want to continue to believe and what is invalid and what you no longer choose to believe. Once you identify a belief, ask yourself:

  • who was my authority on this? If it was your parents, how did they turn out? Do you want to be like them? You have to separate what they taught you that you want to believe from that which they taught you that you don’t want to believe.
  • if it’s limiting in any way, you don’t want to keep that belief (like women have to work harder than men to be successful).

You have to be able to realize that our parents were just normal people, not deities whose every word was the Gospel.

Now take some time and think about what you were taught. Then ask yourself if this is something you continue to believe or want to continue believing. Ask yourself who your authority was/is on this issue. Then write down the belief you choose to adopt. Try that on for size and see how it feels.

The next law is the next step in eliminating your limiting beliefs and replacing them. So stay tuned!
