Momentum Monday


Your choices of action may be limited—but your choices of thought are not.


Excerpted from the workshop: Chicago, IL on May 25, 2002

Remember this short sentence this week! It’s so powerful. This is what has gotten many POWs through their long periods of captivity – knowing that they can think whatever they choose to think even if they are confined to a very small space.

I would bet that you’re not confined to that small a space right now. I would also bet that sometimes thoughts pop into your head and you just let them sit there and continue on even if they aren’t generating the nice feelings you would like to have right now. Remember that you can control and change those thoughts. Pull from your memory (your Kodak Moments) or create new memories – write your beautiful story in your head.

For example, two weeks before my Tennessee race I dragged my weary body out the door to do a run after doing back to back long runs 2 days prior. I didn’t want to be out there but I had to be. So, instead of thinking about how much I didn’t want to be there, I changed my thoughts to how great it was going to feel when I was doing the event since I had prepared so well. I immediately had more energy whereas I was just barely able to lift my feet a few minutes before. The power of your thoughts is phenomenal.  The better part is that YOU can control them and you are the King or Queen of your own thoughts.

So, now what are you going to do about this. Even if things seem down and out externally, you can still feel good and think other thoughts that make you feel better. Once you start to feel better, your vibration raises and your momentum starts going in the direction you want it to. Then, lo and behold, you will be much more capable of finding solutions rather than focusing on problems.

This week just remember that YOU ARE IN CONTROL! Stop yourself then restart yourself.  Put the thoughts you want into your head. Try it for this week and see where it gets you. Let us know in the comment box.


Momentum Monday

momentum-monday1This woman made my day AND changed my perspective on life!

And it was a Monday too.  What an enlightening experience. I wrote about this in the Weekend Wrap-Up last week or the week before but wanted to get it down here since I felt it was such an important experience – especially when we’re talking about momentum and vibrations. This woman is a perfect example of living in the NOW and knowing that feeling good is what brings joy in life despite the circumstances.

It was early Monday a.m. and I had to drop something off at a lab and have some blood drawn.

The technician had taken care of me twice before and I had previously been impressed with her friendly yet professional demeanor so I was happy to see her behind the desk.

As  she was checking me in she told me that when she had gotten into her car that morning she saw that her car had been broken into and her radio had been stolen. And it was pretty obvious the people who stole it weren’t professionals because they cut a big box section out of the dashboard.

Take a minute and envision this for yourself and see yourself in her place. How would you react? What would you do, think, feel or say? If you’re anything like me, it won’t be the same type of reaction that she had.

She told me that she was happy she still had made it to work on time and that it was funny because she had told the car folks when she bought the car to put in a “low end” radio and now she was really glad she had said that because she wasn’t out as much money.

She also said that she was happy they had only stolen the radio and not the car because she couldn’t afford a new car now.

Then she said her three boys would have fun repairing the dash and putting in another radio.

All the while she was telling me this she was animated and positive, not trying to elicit sympathy at all. Just relaying the story and how she was happy about her reaction and the irony of it all. custom_text_shelter_14054

“Wow” was about all I could say and think. I was totally amazed at her attitude. Here was a woman who didn’t make a lot of money, had three kids and yet was so upbeat I couldn’t believe it despite the costly event that had occurred in her life. Her vibrations were way, way up there and would continue to positively affect anyone she came in contact with that day.

I know it sure made a difference in my day and the way I looked at everything and felt about things that day. She was telling her story in a way that would benefit so many other people because her vibrations couldn’t help but be up there too.

Can you do that with something that has happened in your life? Try it. Smile and look for the good in every event. As Catherine Ponder used to proclaim (no matter what) – “I declare it good”!

Life is good no matter what’s going on around us. Let’s try to remember something that’s happened to us that felt great and focus on that whenever external things seem to be trying to take hold of our feelings. Focusing on that good thing will prevent that external thing from overcoming us and lowering our vibrations. Remember the two phrases I keep repeating:

  • I declare it good!
  • Nothing and nobody can interfere with my prosperity, well-being, and peace of mind – not even myself!

Enjoy your week. I know I will.


Momentum Monday

momentum-monday1 Make this week “FASCINATING” instead of “FRUSTRATING”.

I have to admit this is not my original idea. I read an email from someone about this a few weeks ago. This guy recommended substituting the word “fascinating” every time the word “frustrating” came into your mind or out of your mouth.  I’ve tried it and boy it really does make a difference in my vibration. I’ve even used it to substitute for other words that aren’t on the vibrational plane I want to be on.

Just try it this week. When you say “I’m so frustrated by this project (or by Joe Blow or this job or whatever)”, stop for a second and consciously say “I’m so fascinated by this project (or whatever)”. Let that sink in and see how you feel. Give it a few moments to permeate and spread throughout. I think you’ll be surprised at what a difference it will make in how you feel. I bet you’ll even smile and whisper to yourself “wow, that does feel different”.

I also bet that when you do this a few times you will actually start finding solutions to problems or issues that have been bugging you. Remember that the vibration of a problem is different than the vibration of a solution and once you’ve changed your vibration from frustration to fascination, you’re on a much higher plane and it will surprise you how much more of the world and ideas open up to you. It’s like looking at the world from the base of a mountain compared to looking out once you’ve reached the summit!

See what other words you can come up with that you can easily substitute but just for this week, let’s focus on making our world much more fascinating.


You up for this? Let me know what happens.



What Story Are You Telling?

book_character_reading_400_clr_9091What? What the heck are you talking about Terrie? What do you mean by my “story”?

Everything we talk about is in story form in one fashion or another.

There are facts and there are stories that revolve around those facts. The stories vary from person to person. Look at so-called “eyewitness” accounts. They can differ dramatically. It’s all about interpretation. You’ve heard “perception is reality” I’m sure. Well that is true.

And there is a definite vibration surrounding your story. So why not tell the story the way you wanted it to be? “But that would be lying” you say. Not really. You can talk about facts without putting lower level vibrations (also known to some as “negative” vibrations) into them. Let’s take a recent example that I mentioned Sunday about not getting into the 100 mile endurance run I wanted to get into.


  • I prepared really well:
    • I wrote in my gratitude journal that I got into this event
    • I had no other activities planned for that day until after the sign up time
    • I rebooted both of my computers and shut down everything that would use up resources
    • I was online on both computers on the right site so that I just had to click refresh
  • I clicked refresh repeatedly when the registration link did not show up
  • I repeated this action for 30 minutes, never getting a live registration link
  • I did not get into the event


  1. It’s just not fair that I didn’t get in. I did everything right. It must be fixed so that only certain people get in. Why couldn’t I get in. It’s not fair. They don’t want people to participate unless they are specially chosen. I can’t do anything right. This must mean that all this Law of Attraction and gratitude stuff doesn’t really work. I’m so hurt, sad, disappointed, frustrated. I’m really mad I wasted my whole Saturday.
  2. I didn’t get in. There is a reason and it’s one I can’t see right now but I know that “everything always works out for me” and this will too. I had considered whether the dates of this event were too close to the more important 150 mile event I am going to do for MS so maybe this is the Universe’s way of confirming that. It also means I can find other events to run in. I just have to look and will find something even better for me.

See how the facts are pretty straight forward but the two stories are completely different? And there are multiple variations on the story that I could have written.

Which story do you want to tell? Practice changing your story. We’ll talk more about this later this week but right now it’s time for a run!
