Prayer really is natural to man. Even though people don’t talk about it much in public, it’s always with them.
The person who prays daily is certain to succeed because he is attuning himself to the richest and most successful force in the universe.
Remember Jesus promised “All things whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive.” (Matthew 21:22)
This Bible promise makes it clear that there is nothing wrong with praying for things. many people think (wrongly) that it is wrong to pray for things. Jesus knew that if you first pray for things, you’ll learn the power of prayer and you’ll want to go further and deeper in developing your prayer power.
Even Emmet Fox once described the power of praying for things:
“Prayer does change things. Prayer does make things happen quite otherwise than they would have happened had the prayer not been made. It makes no difference at all what sort of difficulty you may be in. It does not matter what the causes may have been that led up to it. Enough prayer will get you out of your difficulty, if only you will be persistent enough in your appeal to God.” (From “The Sermon on the Mount”)
There are four basic ways of praying so that everything will be all right:
1) There is General Prayer. This is praying to God as a loving, understanding Father in your own private way. It can be on your knees or in any comfortable position. It can be expressed in spoken words or silent communion. It can be with a prayer book before you, or it can be by browsing thorough your Bible, dwelling on your favorite passages, or paraphrasing them to meet your need.
More about General Prayer tomorrow….
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