The Results Are In & They Are Interesting….

What a great way to learn about what people want and don’t want – do a simple survey.

I was very surprised at the results. Take a look below:



The first question was “Do you struggle getting through the holidays”. Here’s what everyone responded:


(click on the image to open in a new window to see it better)


This surprised me most of all I think – very happily but still interesting. The majority of the people who took the survey do not have any problem (or perception of problem) with the holidays. This can show any number of things:

  • We had a small survey size
  • Our population is much more enlightened than the general public and knows how the holiday should be viewed and are spiritual beings
  • You can’t believe everything you read (or another way to put that is that different sources tell different stories – didn’t we just find that out with the U.S. elections?)
  • All of the above

I am glad that most of you do not struggle or have difficulty with the holidays.

The answers to the next question made me happiest. It was “do you think you can change this struggle”


(click on the image to open in a new window to see it better)


Of those who felt there was a struggle, the majority felt that they could change it. That’s terrific because it’s true!

The next answer  surprised me a bit. As far as which areas are the major areas of struggle:


(click on the image to open in a new window to see it better)




I would have thought that money or time would have “won”. But there was a varied response here (of course this question allowed people to answer all the applicable areas that were struggle for them).

When they narrowed things down to the major area of “struggle”, here’s what the “survey said”:


(click on the image to open in a new window to see it better)




Here money won out over all the others. That is pretty consistent with what you hear about all the time.

But what if we changed our focus and vibration regarding the Holidays and what they mean to us (or what we really want them to mean)? Would that, then change our priority? I think it would.

So this leaves me with a dilemma. It doesn’t appear there is a need for a 3-4 week class. I may end up doing a single webinar on that right after thanksgiving (or I may just record it and post it – we’ll have to see).

Regarding individual coaching – that is something I’ll also have to think about. Since people are doing well  on their own I might just wait til after the first of the year. Stay tuned on that one too.

The most important response of all that people made was one that said (and I’m paraphrasing) that they didn’t really  think they had much problem with the holidays but just filling out the survey helped them get clarity. I appreciated that response greatly.

Thanks to all of you for helping me come up with what you want or need!


p.s. One final thought…what would your response have been had I worded this differently – “Do you experience stress during the holidays”….something to think about, huh? What is it that people perceive..Comment below if you’d like.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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