Today’s Gratitude – Day 26

Welcome to day 26 of our Gratitude Month! It’s great to have so many people sharing their “gratitudes” this month. You just need to click on this post title and it will get you to the comment page.

I’m so glad you’ve been joining me on this trip for the past month. I hope you’ve grown and had great things occur in your life!

Share your gratitudes for today – see you tomorrow!


Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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15 thoughts on “Today’s Gratitude – Day 26

  1. I am so happy and grateful today that I am alive, that I chose to have this human experience and that it is an awesome experience. I sincerely appreciate understanding that I am a divine being, with the power and presence of the Creator. I appreciate my expanded awareness of who I really am. And, I am very, very grateful that Terry gave me a big push forward exactly two years ago today. Terry may not know it but that is when I stumbled upon Getting Unstuck. It has been an awesome ride since then.

    Thank you Terry. Thank you God. I am very, very grateful.

  2. I am grateful that I have internet connection. YAY! I am grateful that I got through the day and can get rested now. I am grateful for the appreciation of my clients today and every day. I am grateful for my mother, who sang on every rainy morning ” Oh what a beautiful morning…” and made the sun shine anyway. I am doubly grateful for my mother who I call almost every day and she insists, “I refuse not to be happy, there is always something to be happy about”, she has been a great mom and a wonderful teacher. I am grateful for the beautiful pleasant relationships that I have with everybody. Thanks God and thanks to all who are posting here, I keep being inspired, and thank you too Terrie for this gratitude month.

  3. I am grateful for all the teachers in my life, especially my life partner who gives me opportunities to grow and change my old patterns, especially when we have a disagreement! I am grateful that I can sometimes identify with something wise and calm that exists beyond my thinking mind.

  4. I am happy and grateful for: my perfect health again, after a couple of days of food poisoning and/or some type of stomach virus infection. For the good friends family and extended family to love and to interact with in good and in not so great times.

  5. Am grateful even though i cannot post my message early enough, i get around doing so. God understands the problem i have that brings about this delay.
    Am grateful i can talk with a friend who is helping to do some print out of my new project
    Am grateful i got an added help from this friend
    Am grateful i got home on time to do other things