Try This For A Week or Two

Here’s a common question we get: “How can i use metaphysics in my business to increase my success?” You can find more answers to this question and more in “The Art of Making Things Happen”!
Such a good question! We use so much time trying to “fix” ourselves (and others) we sometimes neglect to put our discipline into the easy ways to demonstrate our good.
It’s about practicing to recognize the help you are receiving.
1. Make your affirmations simple but definite. One of the first affirmations I ever used and the one that gave me the greatest results was “Keep me surrounded with happy, loving people who love me as I am.” At that time I had several people who frequently told me what I “ought” to be doing. They disappeared almost overnight. What a relief. Immediately new friends came in who enjoyed the same kind of thing that I did. I was suddenly invited to picnics, movies, book studies. I was invited to join a “book swap” group. Every two weeks we took the books we had finished (with ratings on the inside cover) to swap. Such wonderful friends came out of that.
2. Make agreements with your friends to keep your time together happy. No complaints, nobody has to change, we’re not here to judge. Spend your time with them talking about happy events or excuse yourself and go home. Remember, in metaphysics, when we complain, it is really ourselves we are complaining about. (Metaphysical rule # 1 What I see in you is the reflection of myself)
3. At least one day a week use the affirmation “Every thought I think, every word I say and every action I take is beneficial to my quick and easy success.
4. Make a list of surprises that would help you know that affirmations work. Use fun events. Examples: 1. A letter or phone call, from someone you liked very much but have lost touch with them but let the universe select who it will be. (That is called a divine surprise) 2. An invitation to something you’d wanted to go to but didn’t want to go alone. 3. A sincere compliment from someone you don’t know. 4. Selecting a phrase of praise that an adult had said to you when you were a child that made you feel really good. (You have many things but ask for something to trigger this in your memory.)
5. Use your journal every day to write down good things that occurred for you and for others. What you praise increases in pleasure for you.
6. Turn your wishes into goals by writing them down. Read them for a week, then move the least desired ones to a long range goal list. Spend your most valuable time on the choices that are most important to you. And call them “My blessings that are already on the way to me.”
The more you feel your mind bringing you happy events, the easier it is to receive them. This is called “practicing the presence” so you can begin to identify the “little things are not really so little”
This is just a taste of what you get in “The Art of Making Things Happen”. Rush over there and pick it up now.
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