Tuesdays With Terrie

tuesdays-with-terrie-cropped  It’s only been a short time since I last gave you an update but I wanted to get   back on track with Tuesdays.

I have slowed down in the past few months. I am pretty sure that there were “clues” or “suggestions” along the way  – especially since last September. However, in my not-so-infinite wisdom I didn’t pay attention.

So, as always will happen, the Universe moved to get my attention. And get my attention it did!

First it was my back (lifting something to help my back..ha ha). That has been about 5 weeks now and is much, much better. But it certainly slowed me down a great deal.

Then, as that was wrapping up, I developed this intestinal/abdominal problem which has also put a hamper on my activities.

Both these events have helped me focus on my body. Now, I could have done that in one of two ways – the “obsessed” way I’ve seen people embrace since I’ve been involved with the medical field. Or, the “attentive” way, where you look at what’s going on with introspection and attention in order to see what else is going on in your life and what you’re really supposed to do.

I much prefer the latter way because “instrospection” is much more positive than bemoaning all that has happened with the “poor me” and “why me” and “what else can happen” mindsets. Instead, I prefer preceding all my “sessions” with myself with “Everything Always Works Out For Me!” and then asking the Universe for Divine Guidance and to “show me the way”.  There’s really no way I can go wrong using those techniques. Even when facing surgery, using the “everything always works out for me” has markedly reduced the anxiety. That potential anxiety is currently compounded by not knowing who will do it or when – uncertainty sucks sometimes. However, one thing I have been taught in a course I’m taking is to embrace uncertainty. When you embrace the uncertaintly, you can enjoy and learn from life as you go through it, experiencing the journey. This is as opposed to waiting until I know what’s going to happen and when before I can relax and enjoy my life. I’ve done that enough times in my life and no longer choose to do that. I’m trying to learn from the medical issues that are ongoing while I wait to have them remedied. And you know what? I am learning a lot AND by slowing down and experiencing everything, I feel pretty darn good!

For one thing, slowing down has made me aware of the amount of low level stress I have been experiencing in my life for oh, so many years. I’ve been paying attention to that now and doing all I can to eliminate as much of what is causing the stress as possible. This often means letting go of the past, while opening my mind to the future and taking action. There is one particular project I have definitely been procrastinating over and I know that the roots of that procrastination are in my past. Obviously I’m holding on to them and that’s what has made me continue to procrastinate. Well, now that I’ve realized what that (and the cause) has done to my body, it’s time to take action and rid myself and my thoughts of those causes (limiting beliefs) and replacing them with new energy and action. This is a very significant life lesson for me.

I feel very calm about all of this and that’s just amazing in and of itself.

Slow down some and see what it feels like.

More next week if we’re lucky.


Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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