Turning Love On Brings Practical Results
You can actually bombard people, situations, and conditions with love and as a result produce almost miraculous results. As you go about your daily life, silently affirm to everything in your world “let divine love be made alive in you.” Do this to your clothes, your car, the inanimate objects in your office or home, the bills you pay, the income you receive – affirm divine love to everything. Do this even to the empty spaces in your life and also to the good you’re looking for and have asked for – even though it hasn’t yet appeared.
Everything seems to respond to your thoughts of love. To the people you meet during the day, strangers and friends, as well as to those in your family declare silently “Let divine love be made alive in you.”
You can deliberately produce divine love by thinking loving thoughts about yourself and others and by affirming divine love. But in a practical manner, you will also have wonderful success by speaking appreciative, kind, understanding words to people. Kind words produce like results – the kind of results that mean a new life, increase and real happiness for you.
It is those people who seem the most difficult, who may even seem hostile, that need your radiation of love the most. Their hostility is their soul’s cry for loving recognition. When you generate sufficient love for them, all discord will dissolve.
Here’s a quick and simple affirmation to say repeatedly, especially if you’re in constant contact with the public or any customer service business, or anything for that matter – “Divine Love is in control and all is well.” This is NOT just for relationships. It’s for every aspect of your life.
Remember “Divine Love is in control and all is well.” Practice that day in and day out and it will come naturally to you whenever you might need an extra dose of love.
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