We answered almost everyone’s questions that were on the teleseminar (the replay has been taken down now) but here are three that had been asked ahead of time (with the answers)
“My question would be how does optimism and pessimism help/ affect one in stretching to achieve goals set. The second would be does stretching have limits or risks and how does one get to know these limit and risk.”
ANSWER: In order to achieve anything you must want to achieve. First of all you need to have faith in yourself. Know that the reason you have an idea that causes you to stretch is telling you……….. You came to earth for a purpose. A desire is the beginning of that purpose. It is the special part of you saying, “Get on with it. Stop making excuses and just DO IT.”
“Where can a person like me start in life, cos i have lost hope “
ANSWER: Hope has nothing to do with starting. It is your desire to have, do, or accomplish something that gives you the ideas of what to do to make it happen. If you have no desires, you will sit in your own little box forever.
“When you say stretch to get what you want, does that mean, make believe. For example if I aspire to get a degree in Psychology, do I stretch, or make believe, that I am going to school, I am working for the degree, or do I see myself as already a Dr. in Psychology, and am doing everything in my power to get that degree?”
ANSWER: Stretch means to set your goals, ask yourself, “where do I start”, or, “show me the next step to take to accomplish my goals” , and then taking some actions. Seeing yourself complete in what you want requires setting goals, working toward them then resetting more goals. (Your goals frequently change to include more or bigger than you previously thought) Always keep in mind the ultimate goal you want but it’s much easier to set goals along the way.
If you liked the teleseminar you’ll be able to get many more answers to your questions and find a simple way to plan your life according to your desires in “The Art of Making Things Happen”
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.