The more I’ve been thinking about my goals, I have realized that it’s really important for me to figure out what I’m going to get out of accomplishing the goal.
Let us help you with your goal setting especially as you begin 2011!
If you focus on what the result is, then you’ll be excited about working toward it. But it has to be something attainable and something your subconscious mind can wrap itself around.
For example, if your goal is to make a million dollars this year and you currently make about 30,000 dollars a year, the goal is probably NOT something your mind can grasp.
Let’s say you make $30,000 a year now and want to make $60,000 next year (that’s doubling and will take work but is most likely something you can believe is doable).
Sit quietly and think about the joy that $60,000 will bring. I’ll bet you really can’t do that. You see, it’s NOT the amount of money, it’s not the actual money. It’s WHAT the money will enable you to do that’s really your goal.
Make a list of WHY you want that $60,000. Perhaps you want a bigger house for your family. Maybe you want to be able to buy your son who’s graduating from High School a car. What if you want to donate a large sum of money to St Jude Children’s Hospital in the name of someone? Be very specific about what you will do with that money. Make a long list.
Now sit quietly again and visualize the joy from doing each of these. Actually see yourself doing them. I bet you can do that.
The ultimate result is what’s so important and often forgotten in the beginning. Take our earlier post where we talked about writing 3 articles a week. So what? That is just drudgery unless there is something you can visualize and love at the end. Considering that’s over 150 articles a year and that would bring you great credibility and increased traffic to your site and more income from product sales or people wanting your service think about the fun and joy of being recognized as an industry expert in addition to what you’re going to do with the additional income.
See how it works? Claim your copy of Goal Setting For You Today!
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