First of all, Happy New Year to everyone. I hope you spent some time (or will in the next few days) reflecting on what has happened in your life over the past year. This is so important. Although people focus on what they are going to do for the coming year, that’s often hard to do if you don’t know where you were a year ago and what happened to you during those 12 months.
I have some more information on that that I will share in the coming days but wanted to let you know what was going to be happening with Getting Unstuck, LLC in the near future.
We will be migrating to a new website soon. I think you’ll like it. It will be on a wordpress blog but that may be more technical information than you want to know 🙂
We’ll also be having more than metaphysics available on Getting Unstuck, LLC. On our new site I will have recommendations for people who are interested in having businesses on the internet and all the aspects that need to be covered. I have studied this for over 4 years now and know that many of our subscribers want to “Get Unstuck” from more than just their spiritual life. I want variety and I want the opportunity to help people out there.
I will be creating a survey along those lines too.
I will be offering more products so that you can incorporate practical metaphysics into all aspects of your life.
There will be a new membership site coming called The Getting Unstuck Insider and it will be community based and be a private social gathering where you can share ideas and get your questions answered and help others deal with their issues. I am excited about this.
I think that’s it for now. Who knows what else will develop. Let me know what you’re interested in. Just go to the Contact page and email me with your thoughts and ideas.
Have a wonderful 2011 – here in the US it is the 10th year since we became acutely aware of the importance of freedom and this applies not just as a nation but personally as well. I am dedicated to helping you find that personal freedom.
Since we moved the site, not all comments got migrated. This is a comment by Sarah on 7 Jan 2011:
Hi Terrie,
Happy New Year to you too. I am so happy you mentioned freedom. More than anything else I found metaphysics because I was looking for freedom. Unfortunately some of us don’t understand the real meaning of freedom because we have not experienced it completely. What I means is freedom from habits, freedom from relationships that are unhealthy or do not allow us to decide what we really want, freedom to be creative. I pray for all of us to find complete freedom in every aspect of our lives. And thank you Terrie for this blog and the New Web Site. I am pretty excited about that. Have a great day. Sarah
Thanks so much for posting Sarah. You are so right about wanting freedom and its importance in one’s life. Without freedom (no matter how you define it for yourself) you really cannot achieve what you want.
All the best in 2011