An Emmet Fox note re: This week's teleseminar

Interesting that this week’s teleseminar “God is NOT an Errand Boy” (Your Spiritual Power of Attorney) fits right in with this Emmet Fox   ‘story’ (found in Find and Use Your Inner Power” ) – it’s called “No waiting”

“No Waiting”

Don’t wait about for God to act dramatically- because He won’t. If you want anything to happen, you must bring about a change in your own mental outlook, whereupon your outer experience will automatically change to correspond. When people expect a dramatic miracle from the outside, they are really hoping to change conditions without changing themselves- to get something for nothing, in fact, and that would be a violation of Cosmic Law.

Don’t wait for God to tell you what to do from the outside-He won’t. People have said to me, “Well, I am ready. Whatever God wants me to do, I am ready. If He wants me to go to California, or to Europe, or to start any work for Him, I am ready.” Such people, I have noticed, are apt to go on “being ready” indefinitely without anything ever happening. The fact is that they are waiting for a dramatic experience such as came to Moses on Sinai, and to Paul on the road to Damascus. Or probably they expect a Western Union boy to arrive with a telegram of instructions from heaven. None of these things will happen.

If you are really “ready to do God’s work,” you will have a clear idea of what you are going to do and how you propose to go about doing it, and probably you will know approximately  where you are going to do it too. This is being ready. If you do not have any definite desire or plan, then you are not “ready’; so don’t deceive yourself but get ready by treating for guidance. Treat for guidance, inspiration, wisdom, and right activity, until you have a clear, vivid, and whole-hearted enthusiasm for a definite plan. Then you will really be ready to do the Lord’s work, and if you vitalize your plan with unceasing treatment, nothing ca prevent your success.

So, get your act together with Anne and I this Thursday as Anne will help you faciliate the speed and effectiveness of your goals and affirmations. Join us for the “God is NOT an Errand Boy” teleseminar


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