This coming Tuesday October 17, 2006, we’ll be conducting a teleseminar with Dr. Mary Beth Olson, master of the Aramaic Bible and culture. This will be at 5 p.m. Pacific, 7 p.m. Central, 8 p.m. Eastern.
Dr. Olson combines the Aramaic culture in Jesus time and in today’s world as she expertly describes and teaches the real meanings of the stories we have all heard. Her love of the philosophy that Jesus taught and her unique ability to bring the stories to life create a fascinating workshop that captivates her students.
These are some of the topics she’ll be touching on (the things she doesn’t cover in the teleseminar will be covered in her workshops at the Church of Today here in San Antonio this coming weekend- CDs will be available – contact me if you’re interested):
The Aramaic Speaking Jesus
Moses and the Burning Bush
Moses and the Reed Sea
Noah and the Flood
In which Bethlehem was Jesus born?
Women in the Church
The Gnostic Jesus
The Beginnings of Christianity
The Beatitudes from the Aramaic
The Difference between the King James and Aramaic Bibles
The Temptations of Jesus
The Seven Last Words
Who REALLY wrote the Gospels?
Delightful surprises are in store as you hear the translation as Mary Beth gives the definitions from the 2000 year old writings in Aramaic.
Join us. Remember it’s NO COST to you.
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