Happy July 4

Hello All. 

This is such a wonderful time to remember and be grateful for this glorious country we live in.   We all must have done something pretty great last time around to be so favored this time around.  I hope all of you go into our membership site and write your reasons you are greatful on one of the blogs.  It helps to remind us of how special this country is.  I’ll put mine here for all of you to read.  If you like, you can add yours here and they can be transferred into another place. I hope you are also writing them in your gratitude journal.

First of all, I am living in a  house that is only 3 years old, is beautifully maintained.  Someone else takes care of it even when I am traveling to do seminars, workshops, etc. The house is taken care of, any maintenance to the house is taken care of before I see it needs something.  I live in a wooded area and have a family of deer that visit me every afternoon before dark, lots of squirrels that play around me,  I’ve watched a tiny fox and an armadillo visits me frequently.

I’m grateful for my children who all pretty wonderful.  Two of them with their families live here in San Antonio (right beside me), one in Portland Oregon, one in South Texas and one in Georgia.   We have a very special relationship.

I’m grateful for our Getting Unstuck page which also hosts all of my talks, classes, seminars, etc.  (If you have never heard the story of how Dr. Wurzbacher became the webmaster, be sure and ask her.  It’s her story)  She has done a tremendous amount of work on it, does everything.  I just get to sit and talk.  Terrie is a long time friend and keeps me laughing all the time.  Course I don’t always understand her Northern (Yankee) jokes but she carefully explains them to me.  

I’m grateful for all the privileges that come through the web  pages and all of the people we get mail from. They come from all over the world.  From Americans in foreign countries that have no teachings like we give, From our troops who  once lived in SA and are now scattered all over the world,   from others I met in my travels, in workshops somewhere, as a military spouse, and from all of their recommendations to their friends and family……  my family has grown to include all of you.

I really consider that I am a very privileged person to have so many wonderful people in my life.  Thank you all for finding me and letting me find you. I love you all and every night when I do my affirmations I include you and claim permanent health, increasing wealth, loving relationships and spiritual peace for you and your family.

Have a wonderful holiday.

 Love you bunches,


Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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