Keep on going – Emmet Fox

Here’s another “short story” from Emmet Fox. It’s called “Remember Lot’s Wife”

“Never look back. Always go straight ahead. Even if you are quaking, go right ahead, and quake as you go. Jesus said the man who puts his hand to the plow and then turns back, is not worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven. He also said: “Remember Lot’s wife.”

The story of Lot’s wife is one of the most telling parables in the Bible. Lot and his family were fleeing from a city that was just about to be destroyed. They were told by an angel that they would get away safely provided they did not look back. The others obeyed the injunction and escaped, but Lot’s wife looked back- and was immediately turned into a pillar of salt. Salt in the Old Testament is a symbol for death, and this means that those who look back are dead spiritually and that usually their material affairs become stagnant too.

Never look back. No matter how unattractive or how dangerous the road ahead may be, it is better than the road back. The road ahead may mean difficulty, but the road back means failure. The road ahead may be veiled from sight, but you must teach yourself to regard the unknown as friendly.

Remember that God is always at the end of the road ahead, but at the end of the road back you will only find yourself.”

This is very meaningful for me at this particular point in time and I thought that I would share it – I am certain there are others out there in the same boat as I. Let’s just keep marching forward!


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