Life is good.

Hi Folks,

One of these days I’m going to sit down and write a history of where I “was” and what it took to get me out of “there”.  It wasn’t very easy.  I had belief systems hiding other belief systems, covered by other belief systems.  That is why I keep saying over and over, “Our lives are about peeling off the things we don’t want to believe until we get down to the bare slate we were born with.  Then we can really start building on the “real” part of us that can accept happiness, prosperity, peace, joy, love and health. 

One day when I had begun to see a glimmer of what could be, I made a commitment to the Universe.   I said, “If I can ever get out of this place of fear, lack, limitation, etc. I will spend the rest of my life helping others learn ways, methods, techniques so that they, too, can change their lives.  It was then that my head began to receive practical ways that went beyond anything I had ever heard or read that gave me a real sense of appreciation for all those people that went before us. 

Every morning when i got out of bed I would ask…… “show me what I should do this day”.   And knowing that part of me knew everything i was supposed to do but had never had the courage to ask for.  You see, I believe that we all come into this life with a very strong purpose.  It is first of all, learning how to be happy, healthy and prosperous.  Then to teach it.   I have been fortunate enough to always be in the right place, at the right time, to be able to answer questions.  (Some I didn’t even know I knew the answers to.) Coincidences?  : ) Not on your life!

Even the way the teleseminars and then the membership page started were more miracles that came from someone with a need to hear their own potential. And along came Terrie with her own miracles to tell.

But………  maybe that is a story that we’ll put into one of our teleseminars.  

Thank you all for being in my life.  You are helping me fulfill what I came here to do.



Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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