Mental Equivalent Labor Day Special

Join us tomorrow (Thursday 31 August 2006) for our $10 Labor Day Special Teleseminar! It’s The Mental Equivalent by Emmet Fox.

We all can use The Mental Equivalent – this is how we demonstrate things in our life – whether it’s good things or bad things – regardless of what we feel they are, they have been produced because we have a mental equivalent of them inside of us.

So, if you take a few minutes to look at your life and see if there is ANYTHING in it you don’t want or ANYTHING missing that you do want.

If the answer is that everything is great, congratulations! You’ve mastered the Mental Equivalent!

If, though, there are some things you’d like to be different, then you ought to hustle over to the registration page to join us tomorrow night.

If you’re going away for the weekend, register anyway. The registration fee includes a 7 day replay.

Go ahead, be brave, the only one who has to know you’re on the call is yourself.

I know I want to learn how to intentionally use the Mental Equivalent and I think that my life is pretty darn great!

See you on the call. Go ahead, click this link now….



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