This is going to be a Jam-Packed week!
Not only do we have these two wonderful teleseminars but then all weekend at the Church of Today here in San Antonio, we get to experience Dr. Olson and her teachings on the Aramaic Bible and culture!
These are the teleseminars though!
NUMBER ONE: Tuesday 17 October
Tuesday night, 17 October 2006, we’ll be having a No Cost Teleseminar with an exciting guest – Dr. Mary Beth Olson.
She is an expert in the Aramaic Bible and culture.
(The call is at 5 p.m. pacific, 7 p.m., central, and 8 p.m. eastern)
Have you ever had problems with the Bible interpretations you were given? I know I have.
Unless one understands the idioms, customs, psychology and other factors indigenous to a particular culture, accuracy in translation becomes very difficult.
The importance of these misinterpretations lies in their effect on the basic doctrines of Christianity. Verses that seem to support some of the fundamental doctrines of today’s Christianity may well be mis translated or taken out of their cultural nd temporal context, thus giving a distorted picture of the original teachings of Jesus.
Dr. Olson has studied the culture and the translation of the Bible. She’s got the scoop on how things were at that time and he’ll help us understand what things in the Bible really mean.
Even though it’s a NO COST teleseminar, you still need to register.
NUMBER TWO: Thursday 19 October
Then on Thursday (the 19th) we start a two week teleseminar on The Twelve Conditions of a Miracle – based on the book by Todd Michael.
Learn about “Emptiness” – calmly release whatever you are withholding from the world: Giving creates a vacuum for more
to flow in.
“Alignment” – Shift to a mind-set of compassion and the greater good; move from concern over yourself to the concerns of others.
“Asking” – Clarify your true needs. If you don’t clearly put your request into words, the universe won’t even know to respond.
“Maximizing” – Make full use of your existing tools, resources, and blessings. Whatever you focus on expands.
“Giving” – What flows away from you flows back magnified: become a joyful giver.
And there’s also “Grounding”, “Visualizing”, “Gratitude”, “Acting As If”, “Engaging the Cycle”, “Receiving”, “Recycling”.
As you can see, this book contains information and topics that we’ve heard Anne talk about for years. But to listen to her expound on Michael’s book will be unique.
This class is two weeks and will give you an excellent lesson on the many laws and foundations for our studies in metaphysics.
=========Call Details=============
Day: Thursdays
Date: 19 and 26 October 2006
Time: 5 p.m. Pacific, 7 p.m. Central
8 p.m. Eastern
Length: 60-70 minutes each night
Cost: $30.00 (includes access to the replay)
Registration: Register here
Questions or problems or if you want to pay by check? Contact Dr. Terrie Wurzbacher 540-287-8412 or email to
Hope to talk to you TWICE this week!
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.