Abundance Project

I think if all of you participate in this, we really can change the prosperity consciousness of the world. Jo Dunning is an amazing person! She has created this project and I encourage each of you to go to the Abundance Breakthrough Project website and sign up. This is just a bit from the site:

Abundance Breakthrough Project!
The Abundance Breakthrough Project is an exciting way to help create spectacular Abundance in your life. This project is free and simple.

This special program is being offered free of charge by Jo Dunning as part of creating a flow of Abundance and Prosperity which will travel around the world on April 15, 2009. Each person can only enter their own name for this project.

If you would like to be included in thisworld wide wave of Abundance please go to www.jodunning.com or Click here to sign up.

Every person who submits their name for the Abundance Breakthrough Project before April 15th will be included in this powerful Program. Just go to the website and add your name to the list. That is all you need to do. On April 15th, Jo Dunning will focus individually on each name as a powerful wave of Abundance is created to circle the entire globe and help bring Abundance to every person who entered their name in this project.

Since this project is free to anyone who would like to participate, it is an opportunity for people all over the world to enter their name and experience the flow of Abundance and financial support they so richly deserve. The more people who submit their names the better. So spread the word. The goal is to have enough people from different parts of the world join the project that thewave of Abundance and Prosperity will be big enough to embrace the entire globe.

Tell Others Now

So be sure to tell others about this wonderful free opportunity and pass this email on to as many people as possible. Please list it on your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Yahoo, organization calendars, websites, newslettersand other opportunities. The more people who participate, the bigger the wave will be and the more assistance each personcan receive.

After you email this information to others then go to www.digg.com and list this event tohelp more people around the world know about it.We need your help to build the momentum so Abundance can flow throughout the world on April 15, 2009 and you can at last begin to experience the joyful flow of prosperity in your life.


Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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