Hi folks,
Anne wanted me to let you know there were a few things to think about before tomorrow night’s teleseminar. These will be in the handout but I wanted to post them here as well:
We usually think of clutter as the miscellaneous “stuff” that causes our homes, our desk, garage or work place to have the look of a recent tornado. This is only partially true. Included also is the beginnings of clutter is within our minds.
When we have ideas, inspiration, things to do, people to write, grocery lists, errands to run, cards to send, children to take places, doctor’s appointments, our minds begin to clutter. Most of us recognize that it is a “must” to make notes and keep a calendar. Otherwise, we may end up at the wrong place or forget appointments.
This mental clutter then effects the physical world. We lose keys, can’t find the bills we were supposed to pay yesterday, paperwork stacks up, newspapers and magazines are unread, car maintenance is neglected, the garage becomes so stuffed with miscellaneous things we can’t get the car in and our lives become chaotic.
In preparation for the course:
Establish goals:
garage sale, donation for income tax purpose, thrift shop, charitable donation, women’s safe houses, single parents, halfway houses, children’s homes, etc.,
Things you need to do to get started:
Containers to hold 8 1/2 sheets of paper and file folder size (things to be filed)
A container for income tax information.
File folders
A small note pad
Temporary medium containers for each room
Laundry basket
See you Thursday night.
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.