What a great post from Emmet fox on this beautiful Christmas day. Use these affirmative statements to brighten up your day – do it every day for awhile and see how you feel!
Treatment for DIVINE LOVE
My soul is filled with Divine Love.
I am surrounded by Divine Love.
I radiate Love and Peace to the whole world.
I have conscious Divine Love.
God is Love, and there is nothing in ex¬istence but God and His self-expression.
All men are expressions of Divine Love; therefore, I can meet with noth¬ing but the expressions of Divine Love. Nothing ever takes place but the Self-expressing of Divine Love.
All this is true now. This is the actual case, the actual state of affairs. I do not have to try to bring this about, but I observe it already in being now.
Divine Love is the actual nature of Being. There is only Divine Love, and I know this.’
I perfectly understand what Divine Love is. I have conscious realization of Divine Love. The Love of God is in me for all humanity, I am a lamp of God, radiating Divine Love to all whom I meet, to all whom I think of.
I forgive everything that can possibly need forgiveness – positively everything.
Divine Love fills my heart, and all is well.
I now radiate Love to the whole universe, excluding no one.
I experience Divine Love.
I demonstrate Divine Love.
I thank God for this.
Emmet Fox