Good Monday morning to everyone!
As we begin the week, we get ready for our second Goal Setting Teleseminar tomorrow night (Tuesday the 16th of January 2007) which should be exciting. I imagine we’ll have people on the call who have already started their goal setting but have had questions or need some help. And, of course, there are those who haven’t “gotten around to it” yet. So, it should be a good time for all.
And as my other blog post notes, I am excited that we’ve finalized (and is ready for use) the Mental Equivalent Mini-course – this is a fact filled informational/instructional program based on Emmet Fox’s “The Mental Equivalent” booklet. Anne guides you through the steps of using the Mental Equivalent to bring about all you want. What a perfect companion to the Goal Setting Teleseminar.
Coming in February is a two week teleseminar on “Unexpected Income” followed by a six week series entitled “Staircase to Mastery” which will take you to heights of success (personal or professional) that you’ve never known before.
Stay tuned and continue to work on your goals as we are half way through the first month of the New Year. Take a look at the Mental Equivalent mini-course.
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.