What is “The Secret” of Miracles?

Happy Holidays to all!

I don’t know what your definition of a miracle is, so this may not qualify to you – but it sure does to me.

Why are we talking about miracles?

First because I want to share my miracle with everyone I know.

Second because I think that everyone can benefit from seeing “The Secret” – a phenomenal movie on the Law of Attraction.

The Law of Attraction is one that everyone should be intimately aware of and should be practicing constantly.

Now some background. I have a brother who is 4 1/2 years older than me. The only people that are left in my family
are my brother and I. So what?

Well, the “what” is that my brother, Tuck, walked away from my family (and me) 30 years ago and we have not heard
from him for 30 years. I was not even sure he was alive.

I have had “The Secret” DVD for almost a year but never “got around” to watching it. But for some reason during the weekend of the 2nd and 3rd of December I took it out and watched it 3 times. And about 2/3 of the way through it the last time, I decided to put it to the test (after all this time with Anne I had never really “tested” it).

I said “Tuck will contact me” and then I released it to the Universe.

I said it with feeling and belief.

36 hours later, I received an email from my brother saying “Let’s get in touch and straighten things out.”

I don’t know if you can imagine how stunned I was. The fact that he surfaced after all these years was by itself a true

But, the fact that he came back into my life after I had put that out into the Universe is even more magical.

Let me correct that – it seems magical but it’s very plausible once you understand and believe the Law of Attraction.

This and so many other things have happened in my life since you last heard from Getting Unstuck.

I wish you the very best and hope that everyone out there can experience the same type of a miracle as I have had.

Stay tuned this week for great information that you won’t want to miss – no  matter how busy your life is in the next week!

May you apply the Law of Attraction every moment of your life!



Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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