Burning Bowl Successes

And we have people who have commented on the importance of the Burning Bowl.
Here are two of them who provided us with input. These things really work!

We received this wonderful note from

Marie writes from Iowa:

Dear Terrie and Anne,
Thank you for the teleseminar session! It has been very valuable for me
and for my husband, John!
I feel greatly invigorated.
What helped me the most was the catagories from the Burning Bowl ritual.
It seems that once I know from what area comes the limiting thought, I can
release it faster. And that the Belief System catagory is where I am
declaring the Truth of who I am. The affirmations that you shared are extremely potent, and of course I am interested in my Divine Potential!
I got to an edge of my thinking about my work, being an artist: sculptor and
painter. I am great at the building and supply for that. I became a sculptor at 45 and now at 51 I have big pieces in 4 states. I think Texas needs one, too. Anyway. I realized the language of the next steps of my
work in the world are where I am now affirming Divine Direction. This
has energized me greatly, and I know the avenues and the way, and the people
and the places will manifest. As will the recognition, and the comfort in
that, and the income!
This I wanted to share, thank you for hearing me on this electric drum!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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